

Freestyle (Jocelyn Davis)

Jocelyn Davis

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Freestyle

Alter Ego: Jocelyn Davis

Classification: hero hero  

Publisher(s): WildStorm

First Appearance: DV8 #11 (Sep. 1997): "Facets"

            NOTE: This is our current best assessment of the first appearance of this character, but this has been flagged in our database as uncertain.

Creators: Michael Heisler, Jason Johnson, J.J. Kirby, Nathan Massengill

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 21

Teams/Affiliations: DV8

Ally: Sublime
Ally: Copycat
Ally: Evo

Occupation: dancer

Birth Place: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Gender: female

Note: had strong distaste for violence

Freestyle (Jocelyn Davis) Freestyle (Jocelyn Davis)

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
DV8 #11 (Sep. 1997): "Facets"

Suggested links for further research about this character: