

Christie McDermott

Christie McDermott

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Christie McDermott

Other Names: Chipmunk; Christine McDermott; Christy McDermott

Classification: supporting character supporting character  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: Emma Frost #13 (Sep. 2004): "Bloom, Part 1"

Creators: Karl Bollers, Adriana Melo, Sean Parsons, Andrew Pepoy, Eric J. Cannon

Number of Appearances: 6

Ally: Emma Frost

Family/Relatives: Jack McDermott (father), Jill McDermott (mother)

Occupation: college student

Student of: Ian Kendall

Studied at: Empire State University

Gender: female

Note: Emma Frost's art student roommate at Empire State U.

Christie McDermott was nicknamed "Chipmunk" by her parents. This nickname stuck and was used by people on into her college years, which is when she became the roommate of Emma Frost.

Christie McDermott

This character is in the following 12 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Emma Frost
Emma Frost: Bloom

Suggested links for further research about this character: