Religion: not determined yet
Name: Ruby Summers
supporting character
First Appearance: X-Factor Special: Layla Miller #1 (Oct. 2008): "Stuff Happens"
Creators: Peter David, Valentine de Landro, Andrew Hennessy, Craig Yeung
Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes
Number of Appearances: 3
Teams/Affiliations: Summers Rebellion
Gender: female
Note: future daughter of Cyclops and Emma Frost
Ruby Summers is the daughter of Scott Summers ("Cyclops" of the X-Men) and Emma Frost in a possible/alternate future. She was first seen when she encountered Layla Miller, who had become stranded in a bleak future in which mutants were held captive in concentration camps. The "Summers Rebellion" of this future period of time refers to the rebellion led by Scott Summers' family (Ruby amnog them) against the oppressive rule and the Sentinels that kept mutants captive.
Ruby Summers has red skin and has inherited her father's mutant ability to shoot optic blasts. Unlike her father, Ruby Summers can control her optic blasts without wearing a ruby quartz visor over her eyes.
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