


The Religious Affiliation of

Religion: Greco-Roman classical religion CBR Scale: D

Name: Amazons

Other Names: Amazons of Themyscira; Paradise Island

Classification: supporting character supporting character  

Publisher(s): DC

First Appearance: All-Star Comics (vol. 1) #8 (Dec. 1941 - Jan. 1942): "Introducing Wonder Woman"

First Appearance (Additional Details): (as Amazons of Themyscira) Wonder Woman (vol. 2) #1 (Feb. 1987): "The Princess and the Power!"

Creators: William Moulton Marston (as Charles Moulton), Harry G. Peter

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 91

Ally: Hippolyta

Ally: Wonder Woman

Occupation: hidden race

Nation: Themyscira

Gender: female

Number of group members listed below: 10

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Alcinoe supporting character
CBR Scale: R Greco-Roman classical religion; Amazon
Amazon DC 1
Amazons Amazons supporting character
CBR Scale: D Greco-Roman classical religion
[1st app: All-Star Comics (vol. 1) #8 (Dec. 1941 - Jan. 1942)] DC 91
Artemis Artemis (Artemis of Bana-Mighdall) hero
CBR Scale: M Egyptian classical religion
Amazons; Hellenders DC 125
Artume villain deity
CBR Scale: D Greco-Roman classical religion/Amazon
[Hippolyta's daughter; stone turned flesh]
Marvel 11
Fury Fury (Lyta Trevor-Hall) hero
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
Amazon; Infinity, Inc. DC 107
Grace Grace (Grace Choi) hero
CBR Scale: S non-religious; Amazonian Greco-Roman classical religion (nominal); LGBT
Amazon; The Outsiders DC 66
Nu'bia hero
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion; Amazon
Amazon; black DC 3
Phillipus Phillipus supporting character
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
Amazon; black DC 166
Donna Troy Donna Troy hero
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
Amazon; The Darkstars...  DC 739
Wonder Woman Wonder Woman (Diana) hero
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
Amazon; Super Friends...  DC 4,659

Amazons Amazons

This character is in the following 10 stories which have been indexed by this website:
All-Star Comics (vol. 1) #8 (Dec. 1941 - Jan. 1942): "Introducing Wonder Woman"
Justice League - Season 1, Episode 14 (7 Apr. 2002): "Fury: Part 1"
Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #13 (Apr. 2008): "Supermen" (mentioned)
Outsiders: Five of a Kind - Wonder Woman/Grace #1 (Oct. 2007): "Five of a Kind, Part 5: Member of the Tribe"
Sleepwalker #4 (Sep. 1991): "You Can't Tell a Bookworm by It's Cover!" (construct)
Teen Titans / Outsiders Secret Files 2003 (Dec. 2003): "Who Was Donna Troy?"
Wonder Woman

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: