
The Religious Affiliation of

Religion: alien CBR Scale: I

Name: B'shi

Classification: hero hero  

Publisher(s): DC

First Appearance: Green Lantern 80-Page Giant #3 (Aug. 2000): "A Lantern Against the Dark"

Creators: Scott Beatty, Graham Nolan, Keith Aiken

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 2

Teams/Affiliations: Green Lantern Corps

Enemy of: Darkseid

Ally: Raker Qarrigat
Ally: Ash-Pak-Glif

Occupation: Green Lantern

Planet: Suirpalam

Gender: female

B'shi first appeared in chapter 5 of the story published in Green Lantern 80-Page Giant #3 (Aug. 2000). This chapter was titled "Chapter 5: Three Thousand and Six-Hundred." It was pencilled by Graham Nolan and inked by Keith Aiken.

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
Green Lantern 80-Page Giant #3 (Aug. 2000): "A Lantern Against the Dark"

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: