Religion: indeterminate
Name: unnamed waitress
supporting character
First Appearance: Thunderbolts (vol. 1) #137 (Dec. 2009)
Creators: Rick Remender, Mahmud A. Asrar, Rebecca Buchman
Number of Appearances: 1
Employer: Waffles Diner
Occupation: waitress
Location: Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
Race: white
Gender: female
Note: propositioned Luke Cage, even though he is married
An attractive white waitress working at a diner in Harlem propositioned the hero Luke Cage, even though he is married and was wearing his wedding ring. This waitress clearly was inviting Luke to engage in intimate relagions. The words and actions of the waitress mark her as a promiscuous woman with loose morals, at least in the area of sexual morality.
On page 15 in Thunderbolts #137 (Dec. 2009), Luke Cage is muttering to himself about odd it is for his best friend, Danny Rand (a.k.a. Iron Fist) to be late for anything. Danny was supposed to meet Luke there at the Waffles Diner in Harlem for breakfast. (Luke does not yet realize that his friend was captured by Norman Osborn and the Thunderbolts).
Seeing Luke Cage's solitary status, his waitress tells him, "Well, listen, Butter Cake, it breaks my heat to see a handsome man eat waffles alone. I'm off in five if you want some company."
Luke responds in a friendly but firm manner. He holds up his hand with his wedding band clearly visble on his ring finger. He tells the waitress, "When I got this ring welded down, figured it'd be Kryptonite to sweet young things."
The generally amoral attitude of the waitress is best demonstrated by her next line, when she says, "Angel, it's 2009, all that means is you share a closet."
Luke adds: "Yeah, with a deadly private investigator."
(Luke Cage's wife, Jessica Jones, has worked as both a super-heroine and a crackerjack private investigator.)
Luke's cell phone beeps. He thinks it is his wife calling. He tells the waitress, "Speak of the devil. See how good she is? I appreciate the offer, but I'm happily spoken for."
The waitress, realizing her repeated efforts to proposition Luke Cage have failed, leaves his side, telling him, "Well, she's a lucky lady."
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