
White Dwarf

Religion: not determined yet

Name: White Dwarf

Classification: hero hero  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: X-Men: Millennial Visions 2001 (Jan. 2002): "Exiles: Static Problematic"

Creators: Jim Calafiore, Peter Palmiotti

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 1

Teams/Affiliations: The Exiles

Note: created from Project Cerebro-X

White Dwarf was a member of the Exiles, but not the version of the Exiles team seen in the long-running Exiles series. Rather, White Dwarf was a member of the Exiles who appeared in the story "Static Problematic" in X-Men Millennial Visions 2001, a publication which featured "one-shot" re-imaginings of many teams and characters from the X-Men titles.

Like the stellar phenomenon that White Dwarf's name comes from, White Dwarf's body is incredibly dense. White Dwarf is also super-humansly strong, and is one of the youngest members of this Exiles team.

The specific reality that White Dwarf comes from has been identified as "Earth 1010."

White Dwarf was created from Project Cerebro-X.

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
X-Men: Millennial Visions 2001 (Jan. 2002): "Exiles: Static Problematic"

Suggested links for further research about this character: