Religion: not determined yet
Name: Dr. Jakkelburr
Other Names: Dr. Jackelburr
First Appearance: Daredevil (vol. 1) #119 (Mar. 1975): "They're Tearing Down Fogwell's Gym!"
Creators: Tony Isabella, Bob Brown, Don Heck
Number of Appearances: 1
Enemy of: Daredevil
Ally: Crusher (Juan Aponte)
Employer: New York City
Occupation: coroner, scientist
Location: New York City, New York, USA
Gender: male
Note: empowered Juan Aponte (Crusher)
Dr. Jakkelburr was the coroner who performed the autopsy on the original Crusher (Caldwell Rozza).
Dr. Jakkelburr utilized a blood sample from Rozz to duplicate the process that empowered him. Dr. Jakkelburr used this duplicated process to empower boxer Juan Aponte, turning him into a second monstrous "Crusher."
It was Dr. Jakkelburr himself who approached boxer Juan Aponte and offered to use his formula on him to make him into unbeatable boxer. Jakkelburr's plan was to make a fortune off of Aponte's boxing career.
Aside from the fact that this would be a type of illegal chemical enhancement (or "doping"), the formula was not as safe or as well tested as Jakkelburr may have suggested. It ended up warping Aponte's mind and turning him into a violent, monstrosity of a man who went on a rampage and was ultimately defeated by Daredevil.
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