

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Sweeney

Classification: supporting character supporting character  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: Daredevil (vol. 1) #171 (June 1981): "In the Kingpin's Clutches"

Creators: Frank Miller, Klaus Janson

Number of Appearances: 1

Employer: Sweeney's

Occupation: business owner

Location: New York City, New York, USA

Gender: male

Note: Bullseye jumped Kingpin's men outside of Sweeney's

Kingpin had been out of the country and was planning to turn state's evidence and provide information to authorities about other crime lords in New York City. Before doing so, his wife Vanessa was kidnapped by other crime bosses. Bullseye, working for the other crime bosses, jumped a number of Kingpin's men outside Sweeney's, beat them up savagely, and sent one of them (Duke, barely alive) with a message for Kingpin. The message told Kingpin to come alone to a certain place at a certain time to meet with Bullseye's bosses - if he wanted to see his wife alive again.

Sweeney's is presumably a pub frequented by unsavory types.

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
Daredevil (vol. 1) #171 (June 1981): "In the Kingpin's Clutches" (business/store name)

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