Religion: not determined yet
Name: Nebraska MacCullum
Other Names: Lt. Nebraska MacCullum
supporting character
First Appearance: Icon #19 (Nov. 1994): "Swing Down Sweet Chariot, Stop and Let Me Ride"
Creators: Dwayne McDuffie, M. D. Bright, Mike Gustovich, Hector Collazo, Harry Candelario
Number of Appearances: 2
Occupation: police
Summary of Icon #19 (Nov. 1994), from now-defunct webpage at
Icon is excited to be going home. Bulletproof is starting a crime spree but is confronted by Rocket. Augustus reveals his secret to Saul Katz (fellow lawyer) and begins to set up some trust funds. Lt. Nebraska MacCullum has revealed the Big Bang. Icon tells Katz why he is going home. Static helps Icon catch Bulletproof. MacCullum decides to confront Augustus with the task of uncovering the truths behind the Big Bang.
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