

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Lender

Classification: villain villain  

Publisher(s): DC Milestone Media

First Appearance: Hardware #34 (Dec. 1995): "Fuselage"

Creators: John Rozum, Eric Battle, Angel Gabriele

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 2

Enemy of: Hardware

Ally: Fuselage
Ally: Duke
Ally: Archer

Occupation: mercenary

Location: South America

Gender: male

Summary of Hardware #34 (Dec. 1995), from now-defunct webpage at

We see some mercs in South America. Hard Co. has become an overnight success supplying much of Alva's clients as that company is in limbo. Phreaky Deak (Hard Co. founder) is fighting a hacker from stealing some files. We get our first glimpse of the mercs (Lender, Duke, Archer) as they decide to send Fuselage to get the file physically. Hardware fights and defeats Fuselage, and Fuselage is mysteriously killed.

Summary of Hardware #35 (Jan. 1996), from now-defunct webpage at

Hardware hires Sanction to guide him through South America to hunt the hackers. The Mercs try various methods to capture Hardware. Then they release the monster Huanta Aires. Huanta Aries kills a lot of people before Hardware kills it. Then Hardware is captured.

This character is in the following 3 stories which have been indexed by this website: