

Itsy Bitsy Spider

The Religious Affiliation of
Itsy Bitsy Spider

Religion: N.A. CBR Scale: D

Name: Itsy Bitsy Spider

Other Names: The Itsy Bitsy Spider; I.B. Spider; Incy Wincy Spider; Eency Weency Spider; Inky Binky Spider; Inky Dinky Spider; Blooming Bloody Spider

Classification: lead character lead character  

Publisher(s): Baker & Taylor Company

First Appearance: Camp and Camino in Lower California (1910): "Itsy Bitsy Spider"

Creators: Arthur Walbridge North, Ben Vereen (actor)

Number of Appearances: 31

   TV, Film Appearances: 30

   Prose/Text Book/Story Appearances: 1

Species: spider

Itsy Bitsy Spider Itsy Bitsy Spider Itsy Bitsy Spider Itsy Bitsy Spider

This character is in the following 31 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Camp and Camino in Lower California (1910): "Itsy Bitsy Spider" (lead character)
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme (1990)
The Real Story of Itsy Bitsy Spider (1991) (lead character)
The Wonder Pets (2008): "The Wonder Pets Save the Itsy Bitsy Spider"

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: