

Zodiac (LMDs)

Zodiac (LMDs)

Name: Zodiac (LMDs)

Classification: villains villains   group group  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: The Defenders (vol. 1) #49 (July 1977): "Who Remembers Scorpio? Part Two: Rampage"

Creators: David Anthony Kraft, Keith Giffen, Mike Royer

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 16

Number of group members listed below: 13

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Aquarius villain
CBR Scale: M astrology
Zodiac (LMDs) Marvel 9
Aries villain
CBR Scale: D astrology
Zodiac (LMDs) Marvel 7
Cancer villain
CBR Scale: D astrology
Zodiac (LMDs) Marvel 6
Capricorn villain
CBR Scale: D astrology
Zodiac (LMDs) Marvel 7
Gemini villain
CBR Scale: D astrology
Zodiac (LMDs) Marvel 7
Leo villain
CBR Scale: D astrology
Zodiac (LMDs) Marvel 6
Libra villain
CBR Scale: D astrology
Zodiac (LMDs) Marvel 8
Pisces villain
CBR Scale: D astrology
Zodiac (LMDs) Marvel 2
Sagittarius Sagittarius villain
CBR Scale: D astrology
Zodiac (LMDs) Marvel 7
Scorpio Scorpio (Jacob Fury) villain
CBR Scale: U astrology
Zodiac (Cartel); Zodiac (LMDs)
[Nick Fury's evil brother; died, was "remade" as LMD]
Marvel 45
Taurus villain
CBR Scale: D astrology
Zodiac (LMDs) Marvel 7
Virgo villain
CBR Scale: D astrology
Zodiac (LMDs) Marvel 6
Zodiac (LMDs) Zodiac (LMDs) villain group
  [1st app: The Defenders (vol. 1) #49 (July 1977)] Marvel 16

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
The Defenders (vol. 1) #49 (July 1977): "Who Remembers Scorpio? Part Two: Rampage"

Suggested links for further research about this character: