

unnamed criminal

unnamed criminal

Religion: not determined yet

Name: unnamed criminal

Other Names: Unnamed Criminal 1

Classification: villain villain  

Publisher(s): Image

First Appearance: The Walking Dead #1 (Oct. 2003): "Days Gone Bye, Part 1"

Creators: Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, Tommie Turvey (actor)

Number of Appearances: 2

   Comic Book Appearances: 1

   TV, Film Appearances: 1

Enemy of: Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh

Occupation: convict, criminal

Worked for: Grant County Prison

Location: Grant County, Kentucky, USA

Race: white

Gender: male

Note: shot Rick Grimes, hospitalizing him during zombie outbreak

An unnamed criminal shot sheriff Rick Grimes, leading to him being hospitalized during the zombie outbreak which is the central plot of The Walking Dead comic book series and TV series. In the comic, this unnamed criminal is a bald man with a thick beard. Apparently an escapee from a nearby prison, he is the only criminal facing off against Rick Grimes and fellow police officer Shane Walsh in the comic book series' opening scene. In the TV series, a similar scene opens the series, but this unnamed criminal is accompanied by two other criminals.

In panel 2 on page 1 of The Walking Dead #1, Shane Walsh and Rick Grimes are on a country road, in the middle of a shoot-out with the unnamed criminal. Shane tells Rick: "I don't think he's from around here."

Rick responds: "I think that's a safe bet. When they opened that prison in Grant County I didn't think we'd be getting their run-off!"

In the next panel, the unnamed criminal yells to the police officers: "I ain't goin' back! I'll die first!"

Rick then tries to go around to get a better shot at the criminal, but the criminal is able to shoot Rick with a rifle, causing Rick to instantly lose consciousness. On the very next page, Rick wakes up many days later in the local hospital.

This character is in the following 3 stories which have been indexed by this website:
The Walking Dead