Religion: not determined yet
Name: Doc Stevens
Other Names: Dr. Stevens
supporting character
First Appearance: The Walking Dead #2 (Oct. 2003): "Days Gone Bye, Part 2"
Creators: Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore
Number of Appearances: 1
Allies: Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, Carl Grimes
Occupation: doctor
Location: Cynthiana, Kentucky, USA
Gender: male
Note: delivered Rick and Lori Grimes' son Carl
While Rick Grimes rode a horse into Georgia, he talked the horse, trying to get his mind off the horrors he had been seeing after waking up in a zombie apocalypse.
Rick told the horse about the "happiest day of his life," saying: "I was sitting at the station, drinking my second cup of coffee for the day. Gilroy was telling me about the drunk they brought in the night before. . . Then the call came. . . It was my wife Lori, her water had broken not ten minutes after I left. I grabbed my coat and ran home to get her. Got Gilroy to call Doc Stevens so he could meet us at the hospital. I got her to the hospital without a hitch. One of the only times I got to use the sirens on my car . . . It was a small town we lived in. I held her hand the whole time. There were some complications . . . And she had to get a Cesarean. I was really worried . . . But everything went okay . . . The first time I laid eyes on little Carl..."
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