Religion: Protestant
Name: Mrs. Greene
supporting character
First Appearance: The Walking Dead #10 (July 2004): "Miles Behind Us, Part 4"
Creators: Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard
Number of Appearances: 1
Family/Relative: Hershel Greene (husband)
Occupation: bookkeeper
Location: Greene farm, Georgia, USA
Race: white
Gender: female
Note: Hershel's late wife
Not long after Rick Grimes and his band of survivors arrived at Hershel Greene's farm, Hershel told him a little about his background. On page 21 in The Walking Dead #10, Hershel told Rick: "My dad owned this place. I grew up on this farm, but I never liked it. I wanted to be a veterinarian... So that's what I did. Working on creatures great and small was my calling... And I did it for years. After my wife died my practice fell apart... She always held up the business end... All I did was work on the animals. I couldn't do much of anything without her."
Rick said: "Sorry to hear about that. How long ago was it?"
Hershel answered: "She passed on almost six years ago. It was my father's dying wish that I would come back and work on the farm. It just seemed like the right thing to do. I've been at it for five years now. It's honest work, I can see why my dad loved it so much. There's nothing quite like living off the land... Providing for yourself... Knowing exactly where every piece of food you eat comes from. It's certainly come in handy in light of current events."