

Lt. Hill Marvel (Hill Billy Batson)

Lt. Hill Marvel
Hill Billy Batson

Religion: not determined yet

Name: Lt. Hill Marvel

Alter Ego: Hill Billy Batson

Classification: hero hero  

Publisher(s): DC Fawcett

First Appearance: Whiz Comics #21 (5 Sep. 1941): "The Vengeful Four"

Creators: C. C. Beck

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 7

Teams/Affiliations: Lieutenant Marvels; Shazam's Squadron of Justice

Gender: male

Lt. Hill Marvel (Hill Billy Batson) Lt. Hill Marvel (Hill Billy Batson) Lt. Hill Marvel (Hill Billy Batson) Lt. Hill Marvel (Hill Billy Batson) Lt. Hill Marvel (Hill Billy Batson)

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
Whiz Comics #21 (5 Sep. 1941): "The Vengeful Four"

Suggested links for further research about this character: