

unnamed mad scientist

unnamed mad scientist

Religion: not determined yet

Name: unnamed mad scientist

Classification: villain villain   scientist scientist  

Publisher(s): DC

First Appearance: New Fun #2 (Mar. 1935): "The Gavonia Affair, Part 2"

First Appearance (Additional Details): (mentioned) New Fun #2 (Mar. 1935): "The Gavonia Affair, Part 2"

Creators: Charles Flanders

Number of Appearances: 1

Enemy of: Sandra of the Secret Service, Lothar

Occupation: ruler, scientist

Nation: Gavonia

Race: white

Gender: male

Note: ruled Gavonia; invented death ray

In New Fun #2, a Gavonian spy attacked Sandra of the Secret Service and Reynolds. After subduing the spy, Sandra asked: "Now -- what's this all about?"

Reynolds explained: "Lothar -- the man you saved, is on a gov[ernment] mission. Gavonia is ruled by a mad scientist who has invented a death ray and plans to subdue the world. Lothar has been appointed to destroy the plans."

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
New Fun #2 (Mar. 1935): "The Gavonia Affair, Part 2" (mentioned)

Suggested links for further research about this character: