

Name: journalists

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group   real/historical group real/historical group  

Type of Organization/Group: occupation

Number of group members listed below: 16

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Bonfire Bonfire (Annie Fletcher) hero
CBR Scale: M obsessive super-hero fan
Young Heroes
[freelance metahuman journalist]
DC 20
Tom Brokaw Tom Brokaw real/historical person
    NBC 316
Émile Zola Émile Zola supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Catholic
[important contributor to naturalism] Wereldbibliotheek 21
Roger Grimsby Roger Grimsby supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: I Lutheran
[1st app: X-Men (vol. 1) #99 (June 1976)] Marvel 7
Veronica Guerin Veronica Guerin non-feature lead character real/historical person
  [murdered by drug dealers she exposed in news stories] Touchstone Pictures 1
Lisa Haymore supporting character
  [reported on Hyperclan] DC 1
Amanda Jardine supporting character
  [daughter of Arthur Jardine (Criminal Intelligence chief)] Marvel 3
Dr. Charles Laing supporting character
  [teacher in ESU School of Journalism] Marvel 1
Jim Lehrer Jim Lehrer real/historical person
  [1st app: Horowitz at the White House (1978)] PBS 25
Taylor Mills supporting character
  [reported on Hyperclan] DC 1
Chow Mo-wan Chow Mo-wan non-feature lead character
  Asian Block 2 Pictures; Jet Tone Production, etc. 3
Daniel Pearl Daniel Pearl non-feature lead character real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Jewish
[was beheaded by radical Muslim terrorists] Virago Press 2
Geraldo Rivera Geraldo Rivera supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Reform Judaism
Hispanic WABC-TV Fox TV 120
Tom Tom supporting character
  South Asian
[Quentin Creasy leaked story to him to pressure President]
Dave Trimble supporting character
  [reported on Hyperclan] DC 1
Walt Whitman supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Quaker; Transcendentalist; mystic; skeptic; humanist
[1st app: Foxfire (1955)] Universal Studios 20