

unnamed warden

unnamed warden

Religion: not determined yet

Name: unnamed warden

Other Names: the warden; un-named prison warden; unnamed prison warden

Classification: supporting character supporting character  

Publisher(s): Quality

First Appearance: Police Comics #1 (Aug. 1941): "The Redemption of Steele Kerrigan"

Creators: Al Bryant

Number of Appearances: 1

Defended or Helped by: Steele Kerrigan

Occupation: warden

Nation: USA

Race: white

Gender: male

Note: inmate Steele Kerrigan saved his life; led to early release

A prison warden (whose name was not identified in the story) played a pivotal role in the life of Steele Kerrigan. Kerrigan was a basically normal, decent man who ended up arrested and sentenced to ten years in prison for being a lookout for a gang of thieves. (He was basically tricked into being the lookout, and he never felt like his sentence was justified.)

Three years into his prison term, circumstances arose that led to Kerrigan saving the life of the prison warden who oversaw the prison where Kerrigan was incarcerated. There was a prison riot, and the warden would probably have been killed had it not been for Kerrigan risking his own life to save the warden. This heroic act, for which the warden was supremely grateful, along with Kerrigan's good behavior as an inmate, led to a quick early parole. Back on the streets, Kerrigan faced many trials because people still viewed him as an ex-con, but he acted as a hero to help others and fight crime.

unnamed warden

This character is in the following story which has been indexed by this website:
Police Comics #1 (Aug. 1941): "The Redemption of Steele Kerrigan" (1-panel cameo)

Suggested links for further research about this character: