


The Religious Affiliation of

Religion: Inhuman religion CBR Scale: M

Name: Inhumans

Other Names: The Inhumans

Classification: supporting characters supporting characters   group group  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #45 (Dec. 1965): "Among Us Hide...the Inhumans!"

Creators: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Joe Sinnott

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 467

   Comic Book Appearances: 464

   TV, Film Appearances: 3

Ally: The Fantastic Four

Type of Organization/Group: hidden race

Nation: Attilan

Number of group members listed below: 47

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Albakor Albakor supporting character scientist
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhuman; New Inhuman Elite
Marvel 2
Alecto Alecto supporting character
CBR Scale: M Inhuman religion
Inhumans; Inhuman
[Gorgon's daughter; fell in love w/Alpha Primitive]
Marvel 3
Alpha Primitives Alpha Primitives supporting character group
CBR Scale: I Alpha Primitives
[1st app: Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #47 (Feb. 1966)] Marvel 32
Arcadius Arcadius (Arkadine Arcadius) villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhumans Genetics Council (leader); Inhuman Marvel 9
Asmodeus villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
[green with bat-like wings]
Marvel 2
General Ator General Ator villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Crimson Cadre (leader); Inhuman Marvel 8
Avius Avius supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Marvel 8
The Beautiful People The Beautiful People supporting character group
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhuman Kitchen Sink Press 1
Blaast supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhumans; Inhuman Marvel 1
Black Bolt Black Bolt (Blackagar Boltagon) hero
CBR Scale: M Inhuman religion
Illuminati; Inhuman Royal Family...  Marvel 505
Chef Rustgut Chef Rustgut supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhuman Kitchen Sink Press 1
Crystal Crystal (Crystalia Amaquelin Maximoff) hero
CBR Scale: S Inhuman religion
Inhuman Royal Family; Inhumans...  Marvel 531
Cynas Cynas supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhumans Genetics Council; Inhuman Marvel 6
Eelak the Agile Eelak the Agile villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Crimson Cadre; Inhuman Marvel 7
Furgar Furgar supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhumans Genetics Council; Inhuman Marvel 6
Glaboo Glaboo villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Crimson Cadre; Inhuman Marvel 8
Gorgon Gorgon hero
CBR Scale: M Inhuman religion
Inhuman Royal Family; Inhumans...  Marvel 317
Inhumans Inhumans supporting character group
CBR Scale: M Inhuman religion
[1st app: Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #45 (Dec. 1965)] Marvel 467
Iridia Iridia supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhumans; Inhuman Marvel 7
Jolen hero
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhumans; Inhuman
[can control vegetation]
Marvel 20
Karnak Karnak hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Inhuman religion (priest)
Inhuman Royal Family; Inhumans...  Marvel 299
Korath supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
[Gorgon's father; King Agon's brother; Black Bolt's uncle]
Marvel 1
Kurani Kurani supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhumans; Inhuman
[has power to create illusions]
Marvel 3
Leonus Leonus villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhuman Marvel 33
Lockjaw Lockjaw hero
CBR Scale: I N.A.
dog; Inhuman Royal Family... 
[teleporting dog; escort to Inhumans Royal Family]
Marvel 257
Luna Luna supporting character
CBR Scale: S Inhuman religion
Inhuman Royal Family; Inhumans... 
[daughter of Crystal and Quicksilver]
Marvel 114
Makoth supporting character scientist
CBR Scale: S Inhuman religion
[colleague of Randac (discoverer of Terrigen Mist)]
Marvel 1
Margoyle Margoyle villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Crimson Cadre; Inhuman
Marvel 9
Marilla Marilla supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
[nanny for Luna (daughter of Crystal, Quicksilver)]
Marvel 27
Maximus Maximus (Maximus Boltagon) villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhuman Royal Family; Inhumans...  Marvel 136
Medusa Medusa (Medusalith Boltagon) hero
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhuman Royal Family; Inhumans...  Marvel 416
Minxi supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
[Medusa's attendant; delivered Ahura]
Marvel 3
Nebulo Nebulo villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Evil Inhumans; Inhumans
[invisible; supporter of Maximus]
Marvel 10
Phaeder villain scientist
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhumans; Inhuman
[Maelstrom's father]
Marvel 4
Pinyon supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Marvel 2
Porcal Porcal supporting character
CBR Scale: S Inhuman religion
Inhumans Genetics Council; Inhuman Marvel 1
Pulssus Pulssus villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Crimson Cadre; Inhuman Marvel 8
Randac supporting character scientist
CBR Scale: M Inhuman religion
[discoverd Terrigen Mists]
Marvel 6
Rootar Rootar villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Crimson Cadre; Inhuman Marvel 8
Sapphiras Sapphiras supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhumans Genetics Council; Inhuman Marvel 6
Seeker supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
[brother of original Inhuman Seeker]
Marvel 3
Stallior Stallior villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Evil Inhumans; Inhumans... 
[centaur-like form]
Marvel 31
Targon Targon supporting character
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhumans Genetics Council; Inhuman Marvel 6
Terrigen Marines supporting character group
  Inhuman Marvel 2
Timberius Timberius villain
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
[has tree-like body, control over plants]
Marvel 38
Triton Triton hero
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion
Inhuman Royal Family; Inhumans...  Marvel 278
Ultarnt supporting character clergy/religious leader scientist
CBR Scale: R Inhuman religion (nun?)
Inhumans; Inhuman
[discovered patterns in terrigenesis, circa 1900]
Marvel 1


This character is in the following 36 stories which have been indexed by this website:
4 #30 (July 2006): "Open House"
Fantastic Four
Inhumanity: The Superior Spider-Man #1 (Mar. 2014) (behind the scenes)
Marvel Fanfare
Marvel Knights 4
Marvel Knights Sketchbook (Aug. 1998)
Marvel Knights: Millennial Visions
Marvel Treasury Edition #2 (Dec. 1974): "The Startling Saga of the Silver Surfer!"
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (24 Oct. 2006) (mentioned)
Megaton Man
Silent War
X-Men Forever (vol. 1) #1 (Jan. 2001): "The Destiny Pact"

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: