

The Living Mummy (NKantu)

The Religious Affiliation of
The Living Mummy

Religion: African primal-indigenous religion (Swarili) CBR Scale: S

Name: The Living Mummy

Alter Ego: N'Kantu

Classification: hero hero  

Publisher(s): Marvel

First Appearance: Supernatural Thrillers #5 (Aug. 1973): "The Living Mummy!"

Creators: Steve Gerber, Rich Buckler, Frank Chiaramonte

Super? (Has Super Powers/Special Abilities/Technology): Yes

Number of Appearances: 40

Teams/Affiliations: Shock Troop; The Howling Commandos

Enemy of: Khet

Location: Africa

Birth Place: Swarills, Africa

Gender: male

N'Kantu, the man who would become the "Living Mummy," was originally born approximately 3000 years ago in the nation of Swarills on the African continent.

This character is in the following 19 stories which have been indexed by this website:
Captain America
Civil War: Battle Damage Report #1 (Mar. 2007)
Legion of Monsters: Satana #1 (Aug. 2007): "Must Die / Eat Soul" (lead character)
Marvel Preview #12 (Fall 1977): "The Haunt of Horror"
Marvel Super-Hero Contest of Champions
Marvel Two-in-One (vol. 1) #95 (Jan. 1983): "The Power to Live... The Power to Die" (lead character)
The Secret Defenders #15 (May 1994): "Strange Changes, Part 1: Strangers and Other Lovers" (cameo)
Supernatural Thrillers

Suggested links for further research about this character and the character's religious affiliation: