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scripture: excerpts from comics
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Comic Book Excerpts:

BELOW: Tony mistakenly thinks Thor is quoting eddas (the primary source of Norse mythology, sometimes thought of as Norse/Teutonic scripture):

Thor took a deep breath, letting the smells of the land and the battle flood through him. As he exhaled, he said, "Here amid icebergs rule I the nations."

"Oh, God," Tony groaned. "Are we quoting eddas today?"

Thor shot him a grin. "No, that's Longfellow. He was a big fan of mine. Gotcha."

And then he raised Mjolnir and leapt down again, blood singing with the battle to come.

Source: The Ultimates: Against All Enemies (2007), pg. 302-303. Written by Alex Irvine. See also: scripture; Norse/Teutonic paganism; Iron Man (Tony Stark); Thor (Donald Blake); Henry Wadsworth Longfellow