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adultery: excerpts from comics
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Comic Book Excerpts:

BELOW: Donna says that Dale's living arrangement with Amy and Andrea is "unChristian"; Lori tells her so is being judgmental: Donna is probably the most overtly religious character in the group of zombie apocalypse survivors that Rick Grimes has joined up with. Donna watches as Dale, Amy and Andrea return from shooting practice and enter Dale's RV together. In one of the most overt expressions of her religious beliefs and background, Donna states that Dale's living arrangement with Amy and Andrea (two adult sisters many years younger than him) is "unChristian." Lori replies, referencing a concept that is generally attributable to Matthew chapter 7, verses 1 through 3. Lori tells Donna that "being judgmental" is also unChristian. Donna may believe that Dale is committing adultery with Amy and Andrea, although it is not really clear at this point whether he is doing anything other than sleep in the RV with him. Dale's wife recently died (during the zombie outbreak 5 to 6 weeks previous), so technically, if Dale actually is doing anything sexual with Amy and/or Andrea, the sin would be fornication. Or Donna may simply object to such Dale "carrying on" with women who are so much younger than him. (Dale is in his sixties. Amy is 19. Andrea is 26.) Or she might object to the fact that there are two women living in the RV with him. It could be a combination of all of these that prompts Donna to call the situation "unChristian." A few issues later, Donna apparently has relaxed her stance in light of the extraordinary situation they're all in (zombie apocalypse) and although she still doesn't "approve" of Dale's relationship with Andrea, she smiles when she catches Andrea and Dale in a state of mostly-undressed physical intimacy and she leaves them alone and then tells her husband that it is nice to seem them happy together.

Donna says that Dale's living arrangement with Amy and Andrea is unChristian; Lori tells her so is being judgmental

Donna: Look at the three of them... Carrying on in front of God and everyone else. it's unChristian.

Lori: So's being judgmental if I remember correctly.

Donna: [walking away in a huff] Hmph!

Carol: [to Lori] Good one.

Source: The Walking Dead #5 (Feb. 2004): "Days Gone Bye, Part 5", pg. 7, panels 5-8. Written by Robert Kirkman. Art by Tony Moore. See also: sexual morality; adultery; judging others; Christian (denomination unknown); Lori Grimes; Donna

BELOW: It is revealed that Lori committed adultery with Shane, something she regrets and refuses to continue, despite Shane's continued covetous desire for her: When Lori's wife Rick is out of camp, searching for guns in Atlanta, Shane approaches Lori with the intention of seducing her. She refuses.

It is revealed that Lori committed adultery with Shane, something she regrets and refuses to continue, despite Shane's continued covetous desire for her

Shane: Come back to camp. It's too cold to be out in this rain. C'mon... Staying out here isn't going to make him come back any sooner. I'll keep you company.

Lori: Shane-- Don't. You've got to stop.. Rick is back now... He's alive... And he's my husband. You've got to stop this.

Shane: But what about that night when we-- On the road down here?

Lori: That night-- ... That night was a mistake.

Source: The Walking Dead #4 (Jan. 2004): "Days Gone Bye, Part 4", pg. 21-22. Written by Robert Kirkman. Art by Tony Moore. See also: thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife; adultery; Lori Grimes; Shane Walsh

BELOW: Lori Grimes commits adultery with her husband's best friend, Shane Walsh: Lori Grimes is generally portrayed as a fairly ethical, upright person. But in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, and away for husband for weeks, Lori turns to Shane Walsh for comfort and the commit adultery. Based on what has previously been revealed, it can be assumed that this was the only time she did this with Shane. Also, she clearly expressed regret about this incident and later called it a "mistake."(Note that this scene is a flashback, showing Lori's memories of the incident as she looks at Shane's gravesite after he died while trying to kill Rick.)

Lori Grimes commits adultery with her husband's best friend, Shane Walsh

Source: The Walking Dead #7 (Apr. 2004): "Miles Behind Us, Part 1", pg. 1-3. Written by Robert Kirkman. Art by Charlie Adlard. See also: adultery; Lori Grimes; Shane Walsh