
References to and Quotes about
King Kong

4 #29 (June 2006): "Fallout", page 5, panel 4:
Human Torch (after arriving in the jungle-covered Savage Land on a search mission for remnants of Godseye): "This is so the first-third of King Kong."

Bone #5 (June 1992): "Trapped", page 13, panel 3:
Lucius Down: "That's five mugs of my best ale! You owe me two eggs, an' I want it now!"
Phoney Bone: "Relax, King Kong! I'm good for it!"

Captain America (vol. 1) #135 (Mar. 1971): "More Monster Than Man", page 9, panel 2:
Dr. Erik Gorbo (transformed into huge gorilla-like beast): "NOT THIS! I've become-- a monster-- a veritable King Kong-- while retaining my human brain! The antidote! Where did I put the antidote??"

Captain America (vol. 1) #136 (Apr. 1971): "The World Below", page 7, panel 1:
He [Dr. Erik Gorbo] became a monster -- a veritable King Kong -- but with a human brain! He plundered and terrified the city...

Catwoman (vol. 3) #59 (Nov. 2006): "It's Only a Movie, Take One", pages 21-22:
Film Freak: "1933 was also the year that Hollywood learned, once and for all... that for sheer drama, for sheer spectacle... nothing tops a giant gorilla."

The Fantastic Four - Season 1, Episode 1 (9 Sep. 1978): "A Monster Among Us":
The Thing: "Why, he makes King Kong look like a midget."

Ms. Marvel (vol. 1) #1 (Jan. 1977): "This Woman, This Warrior!", page 4, panel 2:
bystander (after seeing Ms. Marvel take down 5 bank robbers): "It's an act! A publicity stunt -- like that gag at the World Trade Center with the styrofoam King Kong!"

The Ultimates: Against All Enemies (2007), page 171:

When the alien [Hobbes] reared back for another bite, Steve [Captain America] caught one of its jaws in each hand. "Didn't you guys ever see King Kong?" he said. "That big mouth is what gets you lizards in trouble."

He pulled hard, Something cracked...