
References to and Quotes about
Ku Klux Klan

Captain America (vol. 1) #126 (June 1970): "The Fate of... the Falcon!", page 7, panel 4:
Falcon (to Captain America, speaking about the Diamond Heads): "They're like a black version of the Klan! All they preach is hate Whitey! They're dangerous fanatics! They don't care who suffers... or who gets hurt!"

Captain America (vol. 1) #143 (Nov. 1971): "Power to the People!", page 23, panel 5:
Rev. Garcia: "You're making a terrible mistake! We're on your side, and---"
black Harlem resident/member of People's Militia: "Captain America?! He's for us about as much as the Ku Klux Klan! No soap, preacher! We're followin' The Man!"

Captain America (vol. 1) #237 (Sep. 1979): "From the Ashes...", page 1, panel 1:
reporter: "The American Nazi Party and the Ku Klux Klan are threatening to bring suit against you, claiming you violated the National Force's Constitutional right of free speech and lawful assembly. Any comment on that?"

Note: Mentioned by reporter on page 1 splash page at Captain America press conference.