
References to and Quotes about
Ronald Reagan

Secret Warriors (vol. 1) #1 (Apr. 2009), page 22, panel 3:
Nick Fury (to Pres. Barack Obama): "I've been in this room with Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy, Reagan, Johnson... Nixon... You know the list.... That !#$%'s lost its luster. Best of luck to you, Mr. President."

Writer's Block (2014), page 10:
Milo: "...And that's how Romeo and Juliet was born."
Girl 2: "You know, that reminds me of the time I dated Woody Allen--"
Milo: "Wait. You know Woody Allen?"
Girl 2: "Of course. I ended up leaving him for Ronald Reagan though. Much better actor."
Milo: "You-- That is awesome. I think I'm gonna like you."