
References to and Quotes about
Jack Fenner

Dark X-Men #3 (Mar. 2010): "Journey to the Center of the Goblin: Part Three", page 1:
Tasking his X-Men with investigating a series of strange occurrences in which humans were falling into a trance-like state... Osborn sends his team to interrogate one of the victims. Upon coming into contact with him...

Dark X-Men #4 (Apr. 2010): "Journey to the Center of the Goblin: Part Four", page 1:
Tasking his X-Men with investigating a series of strange occurrences in which humans were falling into a trance-like state... Osborn sends his team to interrogate one of the victims. Upon coming into contact with him...

Dark X-Men #5 (May 2010): "Journey to the Center of the Goblin: Conclusion", page 4:
Tasking hi X-Men with investigating a series of strange occurrences in which humans were falling into a trance-like state... Osborn sends his team to interrogate one of the victims. Upon coming into contact with him...