
References to and Quotes about

Marvel Knights Spider-Man #21 (Feb. 2006): "Spider-Man: The Other--Evolve or Die Part Eight: Aftermath", page 1:
"Spider-Man is dead. After a vicious battle with Morlun, the webslinger was beaten... It appeared as if the vampiric hunter, who had slain "spider-men" for centuries, had prevailed yet agan. But when Morlun attempted to feed to the vanquished hero, Mary Jane interceded and soon found her own life in mortal danger. Spider-Man reanimated..." [more]

Marvel Knights Spider-Man #22 (Mar. 2006): "Spider-Man: The Other--Evolve or Die Part Eleven: Destiny's Child", pages 6, 11:
(pg. 1) "A vicious battle between Spider-Man and Morlun seemingly claimed the lives of both predator and prey, but then a shadowy figure emerged from Peter Parker's corpse -- and broke out of Avengers Tower! That stranger was Peter himself, who shed his skin and was born again."
(pg. 6): Ero: "Morlun returned for you. Was his time to feast..."