
References to and Quotes about

Marvel Knights (vol. 1) #13 (July 2001): "No Rest for the Wicked", page 8, panel 1:
Luke Cage: "You guys are talkin' Klingon as far as I'm concerned. All this happened before I joined this tour."

Megaton Man (vol. 1) #3 (Apr. 1985): "I Am Called Bad Guy, Mortal!", page 8, panel 1:
Engineer of the Partyers From Mars: "I never seen a-nuthin' like it, Cap'n, Sir! She just won't stay on the bloody course! It's like she's got a mind of her own!!!"
Captain: "Science officer! Explanation!"
science officer: "Captain, a Klingon Party Store has us in some sort of tractor beam!!! Resistance is futile!"