
References to and Quotes about
Maynard F. Trombone

Megaton Man (vol. 1) #2 (Feb. 1985): "Leavings and Beginnings!", page 18, panels 3-6:
Preston Percy: "Maynard F. Trombone, please! This is an emergency!"
Trombone: "Preston! How ya doin', old pal! Say what? But Pres! Do you know how much research a column like Pammy's takes? No kidding! A ton! And do you know how much research a strip like mine takes? That's right! Next to none!"

Note: M.F. Trombones's name is seen above 1 complete Doomesbury strip. Rudy Mayo and Preston Percy discuss hiring him as a columnist (he declines). Panel 5 features his dialogue, talking to Preston.