
References to and Quotes about
Colossus (Peter Rasputin)

Magik (vol. 1) #3 (Feb. 1984): "Soulquest", pages 3, 5, 13:
(pg. 1) Illyana: "I thrill to Belasco's voice... He is... a demon-mage in the service of the Dark Ones, the Elder Gods of Earth..."
(pg. 6-7) Illyana: "I can still feel the power-- some within me, most waiting beyond the gate-- where the Dark Ones dwell... Belasco didn't count on this, I bet-- that his dark gods would like me a much as him..."

The New Avengers (vol. 2) #30 (Nov. 2012), page 1:
The Phoenix Force arrived... its powers ended up in... Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Colossus, and Magik... [more]

Uncanny X-Men (vol. 1) #402 (Feb. 2002): "Utility of Myth", page 18, panel 4:
Leyu Yoshida: "...legacy virus. I suppose it was eliminated from his cells when the cure went airborne last year..."
Banshee: "Poor Peter... giving his life to elminate a mutant plague brought upon us not by a human enemy.... but by another mutant. He was a good soldier... And a good friend."