
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #253 (June 1984):
“By Myself Betrayed!”
by Tom DeFalco, Rick Leonardi, Bill Anderson

The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #253

Title: “By Myself Betrayed!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: June 1984

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Tom DeFalco
Art by: Rick Leonardi, Bill Anderson

16 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Spider-Man Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
(lead character)
hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Secret Defenders; Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends...  Marvel 10,664
James Albertson supporting character
  [coach] Marvel 1
Bill supporting character
  [sports announcer] Marvel 1
Carl supporting character
  [sports announcer] Marvel 1
Bob Clayton supporting character
  [receiver] Marvel 1
The Rose The Rose (Richard Fisk) villain
[led own organization; Kingpin's son]
Marvel 73
Mr. Hammer supporting character
  [football player] Marvel 1
Mr. Hodman supporting character
  [football player] Marvel 1
Mr. Johnston villain
  [gangster] Marvel 7
Mr. Neil supporting character
  [football player] Marvel 1
Ray Nesters supporting character
  [former quarterback] Marvel 1
Tony Nesters supporting character
  [Empire State University] Marvel 1
Mr. Smith supporting character
  [football player] Marvel 1
Wendy Thorton Wendy Thorton supporting character
  [sports columnist] Marvel 2
Mr. Varley villain
  [gangster] Marvel 6
Mr. Wood supporting character
  [football player] Marvel 1