
The Avengers (vol. 1) #152 (Oct. 1976):
“Nightmare in New Orleans!”
by Steve Englehart, Gerry Conway, John Buscema, Joe Sinnott

The Avengers (vol. 1) #152

Title: “Nightmare in New Orleans!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Oct. 1976

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Steve Englehart, Gerry Conway
Art by: John Buscema, Joe Sinnott

11 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Captain America Captain America (Steve Rogers) hero
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Redeemers; Secret Defenders...  Marvel Timely 5,992
Iron Man Iron Man (Tony Stark) hero
CBR Scale: I futurist; technophile; mostly secular; sometimes prays; Alcoholics Anonymous
Force Works; Illuminati...  Marvel 5,673
Giant-Man Yellowjacket (Hank Pym) hero scientist
CBR Scale: U atheist
Commission on Superhuman Activities; Secret Defenders...  Marvel 1,543
The Beast The Beast (Hank McCoy) hero scientist
CBR Scale: ICBR Scale: S Episcopalian; agnostic
Academy of Tomorrow; Brotherhood of Mutants...  Marvel 5,233
Scarlet Witch Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) hero
CBR Scale: M Gypsy/Roma; ethnic half Jewish; sorceress
A-Next; Brotherhood of Mutants...  Marvel 1,624
The Wasp The Wasp (Janet van Dyne) hero
CBR Scale: U Dutch Reformed (nominal); atheist
Lady Liberators; The Avengers...  Marvel 1,339
Wonder Man Wonder Man (Simon Williams) hero
CBR Scale: I religious
Force Works; Galactic Guardians...  Marvel 788
Vision Vision hero
CBR Scale: MCBR Scale: I synthezoid; Catholic (temporary)
A-Next; Galactic Guardians...  Marvel 1,393
Edwin Jarvis Edwin Jarvis supporting character
CBR Scale: U Anglican
The Avengers (staff) Marvel 669
Black Talon Black Talon (Samuel Barone) villain clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Vodoun houngan
Hood's Army; Lethal Legion Marvel 25
Damballah villain deity
CBR Scale: M Vodoun (posed as deity); demon
[Elderspawn/spawn of Set; name maybe usurped by African god] Marvel 6