
The Uncanny X-Men (vol. 1) #387 (Dec. 2000):
“Cry Justice, Cry Vengeance!”
by Chris Claremont, Salvador Larroca, Tim Townsend

The Uncanny X-Men (vol. 1) #387

Title: “Cry Justice, Cry Vengeance!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Dec. 2000

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Chris Claremont
Art by: Salvador Larroca, Tim Townsend

44 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
The Beast The Beast (Hank McCoy) hero scientist
CBR Scale: ICBR Scale: S Episcopalian; agnostic
Academy of Tomorrow; Brotherhood of Mutants...  Marvel 5,233
Phoenix Phoenix (Jean Grey) hero
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Metro College; The Twelve...  Marvel 1,905
Professor X Professor X (Charles Xavier) hero scientist
CBR Scale: S religious
Brotherhood of Mutants; Genoshan Excalibur...  Marvel 4,999
Storm Storm (Ororo Munroe) hero
CBR Scale: M Goddess worship
black; Lady Liberators...  Marvel 5,068
Rogue Rogue (Anna Marie) hero
CBR Scale: S Southern Baptist
Brotherhood of Mutants; X-Men Marvel 3,526
Cable Cable (Nathan Christopher Summers) hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Askani (leader)
Cable's Underground (leader); Clan Chosen...  Marvel 666
Gambit Gambit (Remy LeBeau) hero
CBR Scale: S Cajun Catholic
Horsemen of Apocalypse; The Marauders...  Marvel 954
Lilandra Neramani Lilandra Neramani supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: S Shi'ar religion
[Majestrix (empress) of the Shi'ar Emperium]
Marvel 170
Gladiator Gladiator (Kallark) hero
  Imperial Guard Marvel 166
Corsair Corsair (Christopher Summers) hero
  Starjammers (leader); U.S. Air Force
[father of Cyclops, Havok and Vulcan]
Marvel 113
Hepzibah Hepzibah hero
CBR Scale: I Mephitisoid religion
Mephitisoid; Starjammers...  Marvel 56
Raza Raza (Raza Longknife) hero
  Starjammers Marvel 99
Ch'od Ch'od hero
  Saurid; Starjammers Marvel 87
Shi'ar Shi'ar supporting character group
CBR Scale: S Shi'ar religion
[alien race] Marvel 106
Queen Divine Justice Queen Divine Justice (Ce'Athauna Asira Davin) hero
CBR Scale: S African primal-indigenous
religion (Jabari)
black Marvel 31
Hussar Hussar hero
  Imperial Guard Marvel 33
Neutron Neutron hero
CBR Scale: I alien
Borderers; Imperial Guard...  Marvel 31
Warstar Warstar (B'nee and C'cil) hero group
  Imperial Guard Marvel 42
Webwing Webwing hero
  Borderers; Imperial Guard Marvel 6
Everett K. Ross Everett K. Ross supporting character
  [attorney; government employee] Marvel 32
Mandroids Mandroids supporting character villain group
  S.H.I.E.L.D. Marvel 17
Dora Milaje Dora Milaje supporting character group
CBR Scale: R African primal-indigenous
religion; Black Panther Cult
[Black Panther's ceremonial bodyguards/potential wives] Marvel 31
Lee Forrester supporting character
  [rescued Magneto; briefly his love interest] Marvel 47
D'Bari D'Bari supporting character group
CBR Scale: S D'Bari religion
[green-skinned; planet destroyed by Dark Phoenix] Marvel 12
Vuk Starhammer (Vuk) villain
CBR Scale: R D'Bari religion
[turned Avengers to stone after Cap first thawed from ice]
Marvel 11
Skrulls Skrulls
villain group
CBR Scale: R Skrull religion
[alien race] Marvel 344
Bishop Bishop (Lucas Bishop)
villain hero
CBR Scale: S X-Men veneration (lapsed)
black; NYPD...  Marvel 548
U.S. Agent U.S. Agent (John Walker)
CBR Scale: S Evangelical Protestant
Force Works; Omega Flight...  Marvel 333
Cerise Cerise
CBR Scale: R Shi'ar religion
Excalibur; Graces Marvel 59
Dark Phoenix
(flashback cameo) 
villain hero
CBR Scale: M cosmic entity
The Hellfire Club; X-Men Marvel 129
Deathbird Deathbird (Cal'syee Neramani)
CBR Scale: R Shi'ar religion
Horsemen of Apocalypse Marvel 118
Z'Cann Z'Cann
supporting character
CBR Scale: S Skrull religion
Cadre K Marvel 6
Nuro Nuro
supporting character
CBR Scale: S Skrull religion
Cadre K; Skrull Marvel 1
R'Tee R'Tee
supporting character
CBR Scale: S Skrull religion
Cadre K; Skrull Marvel 1
supporting character
CBR Scale: S Skrull religion
Cadre K; Skrull Marvel 3
Spunje Spunje
supporting character
CBR Scale: S Skrull religion
Cadre K; Skrull Marvel 1
Fiz Fiz
supporting character
CBR Scale: S Skrull religion
Cadre K; Skrull
[mutant Skrull]
Marvel 19
Cyclops Cyclops (Scott Summers)
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: I Protestant; mutant supremacist
Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy; Summers Rebellion...  Marvel 8,371
Black Panther Black Panther (T'Challa)
hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M African primal-indigenous
religion; Black Panther Cult
black; Fantastic Force...  Marvel 786
Hercules Hercules
hero deity
CBR Scale: D Greco-Roman classical religion
Heroes for Hire; Olympian...  DC Marvel 1,029
S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D.
supporting character group
  [government agency; intelligence agency...] Marvel 1,188
Galactus Galactus (Galan)
CBR Scale: M cosmic entity
Heralds of Galactus (leader) Marvel 537
The Fantastic Four The Fantastic Four
hero group
  [1st app: The Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #1 (Nov. 1961)] Marvel 100
The Avengers The Avengers
hero group
  [1st app: The Avengers (vol. 1) #1 (Sep. 1963)] Marvel 100