
Daredevil (vol. 1) #134 (June 1976):
“There’s Trouble in N.Y.C.!”
by Marv Wolfman, Bob Brown, Jim Mooney

Daredevil (vol. 1) #134

Title: “There’s Trouble in N.Y.C.!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: June 1976

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Marv Wolfman
Art by: Bob Brown, Jim Mooney

14 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Daredevil Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
(lead character)
CBR Scale: M Catholic
Marvel Knights; Weapon X (Exiles) Marvel 1,801
Foggy Nelson Foggy Nelson supporting character
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
[law partner of Matt Murdock (Daredevil)] Marvel 488
Chameleon (Dmitri Smerdyakov) villain
CBR Scale: S Communist
HYDRA; Maggia...  Marvel 144
Torpedo Torpedo (Brock Jones) hero
  [Stivak's successor] Marvel 33
Heather Glenn Heather Glenn supporting character
  [dated Daredevil, Iron Man; later killed herself] Marvel 51
Jester Jester (Jonathan Powers) villain
CBR Scale: S aestholatry
[1st app: Daredevil (vol. 1) #42 (July 1968)] Marvel 27
Blake Tower Blake Tower supporting character
  [District Attorney of New York City] Marvel 49
Lt. Bert Rose Lt. Bert Rose supporting character
  NYPD Marvel 9
Maxwell Glenn Maxwell Glenn supporting character
  [Heather Glenn's father; possible slumlord] Marvel 6
Stone villain
  [servant] Marvel 6
Thadddeus Smythe supporting character
  [1st app: Daredevil (vol. 1) #134 (June 1976)] Marvel 1
Dooley supporting character
  [1st app: Daredevil (vol. 1) #134 (June 1976)] Marvel 1
Mikey supporting character
  [1st app: Daredevil (vol. 1) #134 (June 1976)] Marvel 1
Franky supporting character
  [1st app: Daredevil (vol. 1) #134 (June 1976)] Marvel 1

The complete title of this story is apparently: "There's Trouble In New York City...That's Trouble With a Capital 'T' Which Rhymes With 'D' That Stands For Daredevil!" But most archival sources abbreviate the title. So perhaps the shorter version often seen is also an "official" alternative story title.