
Classic X-Men #6 (Feb. 1987):
“Merry Christmas, X-Men...”
by Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum, Sam Grainger

Classic X-Men #6

Title: “Merry Christmas, X-Men...”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Feb. 1987

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Chris Claremont
Art by: Dave Cockrum, Sam Grainger

53 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Cyclops Cyclops (Scott Summers) hero
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: I Protestant; mutant supremacist
Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy; Summers Rebellion...  Marvel 8,371
Phoenix Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) hero
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Metro College; The Twelve...  Marvel 1,905
Professor X Professor X (Charles Xavier) hero scientist
CBR Scale: S religious
Brotherhood of Mutants; Genoshan Excalibur...  Marvel 4,999
Wolverine Wolverine (James Howlett / Logan) hero
CBR Scale: S raised Protestant; sometimes atheist; has practiced Buddhism; skeptical seeker
Alpha Flight; Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy...  Marvel 10,615
Storm Storm (Ororo Munroe) hero
CBR Scale: M Goddess worship
black; Lady Liberators...  Marvel 5,068
Nightcrawler Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner) hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Catholic (raised Gypsy/Roma)
Excalibur; Neyaphem...  Marvel 4,345
Colossus Colossus (Peter Rasputin) hero
CBR Scale: I Communist atheist (former)
Excalibur; The Acolytes...  Marvel 4,122
Banshee Banshee (Sean Cassidy) hero
CBR Scale: S Catholic
Factor Three; Generation X (teacher)...  Marvel 1,340
Sentinels Sentinels villain group
CBR Scale: D anti-mutant robots
[1st app: The X-Men (vol. 1) #14 (Nov. 1965)] Marvel 245
Moira MacTaggert Moira MacTaggert supporting character scientist
  [Charles Xavier's colleague, girlfriend] Marvel 243
Xavier Institute Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters supporting character group
  [high school] Marvel 373
Dr. Peter Corbeau Dr. Peter Corbeau supporting character scientist
  [Starcorps/Starcore] Marvel 29
Steven Lang Steven Lang villain scientist
CBR Scale: M anti-mutant
Phalanx; Project Armageddon (leader)
[designed Mark III Sentinels]
Marvel 26
X-Men X-Men hero group
  [1st app: The X-Men (vol. 1) #1 (Sep. 1963)] Marvel 9,958
Project Armageddon Project Armageddon villain
CBR Scale: D anti-mutant
[Stephen Lang's govt.-sponsored anti-mutant effort] Marvel 2
Sentinels Mk III Sentinels Mk III villain group
CBR Scale: D anti-mutant robots
Sentinels Marvel 12
Sentinel A1 Sentinel A1 villain
CBR Scale: D anti-mutant robot
Sentinels Mk III; Sentinels Marvel 1
Sentinel A3 Sentinel A3 villain
CBR Scale: D anti-mutant robot
Sentinels Mk III; Sentinels Marvel 1
Sentinel A7 Sentinel A7 villain
CBR Scale: D anti-mutant robot
Sentinels Mk III; Sentinels Marvel 1
Sentinel T-20 Sentinel T-20 villain
CBR Scale: D anti-mutant robot
Sentinels Mk III; Sentinels Marvel 1
unnamed technician unnamed technician
(5-panel cameo, pg. 12-13)
supporting character villain
CBR Scale: S anti-mutant
[tells Lang of high solar radiation levels] Marvel 1
Amanda Sefton Amanda Sefton
(3-panel cameo, pg. 1-2)
CBR Scale: M Gypsy/Roma; sorceress
Excalibur; X-Men Marvel 117
Cerebro Cerebro
(3-panel cameo, pg. 16-17) 
CBR Scale: I N.A.
[Xavier's mutant-finding machine, given sentience by Bastion] Marvel 9
Betsy Wilford Betsy Wilford
(3-panel cameo, pg. 1-2)
supporting character
  [dated Colossus] Marvel 10
Stan Lee Stan Lee
(2-panel cameo, pg. 3, panels 1-2) 
supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: I Jewish
[principal Marvel Comics creator] Marvel 258
Jack Kirby Jack Kirby
(2-panel cameo, pg. 3, panels 1-2) 
supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Jewish
[artist; comic book writer] DC 62
Superman Clark Kent
(1-panel cameo, pg. 2, panel 3) 
CBR Scale: S Methodist / Kryptonian religion
Kryptonians; Super Friends...  DC 13,409
Daredevil Matt Murdock
(1-panel cameo, pg. 1) 
CBR Scale: M Catholic
Marvel Knights; Weapon X (Exiles) Marvel 1,801
Nick Fury Nick Fury
(1-panel cameo, pg. 1) 
CBR Scale: U secular
black; S.H.I.E.L.D....  Marvel 1,898
Lois Lane Lois Lane
(1-panel cameo, pg. 2, panel 3) 
supporting character
CBR Scale: I Catholic
Raleigh College
[Superman's girlfriend, then wife]
DC 3,859
Doctor Doom Doctor Doom (Victor Von Doom)
(1-panel cameo, pg. 1) 
villain scientist
CBR Scale: S Gypsy/Roma; magic/mysticism
Fearsome Four; The Cabal Marvel 1,176
Contessa Valentina Contessa Valentina
(1-panel cameo, pg. 1) 
supporting character
  Femme Force; S.H.I.E.L.D. Marvel 146
Chris Claremont Chris Claremont
(1-panel cameo, pg. 8, panel 3) 
supporting character real/historical person
  [briefly became a Man-Thing] Marvel 7
Bonnie Wilford Bonnie Wilford
(1-panel cameo, pg. 8, panel 3) 
supporting character real/historical person
  [comic book colorist] Marvel 4
Dave Cockrum Dave Cockrum
(1-panel cameo, pg. 1) 
supporting character real/historical person
  [comic book artist; soldier] Marvel 9
Julius Schwartz Julius Schwartz
(1-panel cameo, pg. 2, panel 3) 
supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: I Jewish
[editor]   9
Lilandra Neramani Lilandra Neramani
(vision, pg. 11, panel 1) 
supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: S Shi'ar religion
[Majestrix (empress) of the Shi'ar Emperium]
Marvel 170
Shi'ar Shi'ar
(vision, pg. 11, panel 1) 
supporting character group
CBR Scale: S Shi'ar religion
[alien race] Marvel 106
Santa Claus Santa Claus
(someone disguised or dressed as, pg. 2, panel 2) 
hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: S Christian
  DC Marvel 1,199
Errol Flynn Errol Flynn
(someone disguised or dressed as) 
real/historical person
  [actor] DC Marvel 72
The Hulk The Hulk (Bruce Banner)
(mentioned, pg. 9, panel 2) 
hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Catholic (lapsed)
Hulkbusters; Pantheon...  Marvel 4,551
Havok Havok (Alex Summers)
(mentioned, pg. 2, panels 7-8) 
CBR Scale: I Catholic (lapsed)
Academy of Tomorrow; Brotherhood of Mutants... 
[Cyclops' brother]
Marvel 592
Nazis Nazis
(mentioned, pg. 12, panels 5-6) 
villain group real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Nazi
[generic WWII Nazis] Timely Marvel, etc. 4,222
Polaris Polaris (Lorna Dane)
(mentioned, pg. 2, panel 7) 
CBR Scale: I Jewish Catholic
Academy of Tomorrow; Horsemen of Apocalypse... 
[studied geophysics in college]
Marvel 464
U.S. Air Force U.S. Air Force
(mentioned, pg. 10, panel 5) 
supporting character group real/historical person
  [military unit; pilot] Marvel 197
The Fantastic Four The Fantastic Four
(mentioned, pg. 9, panel 4) 
hero group
  [1st app: The Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #1 (Nov. 1961)] Marvel 100
The Avengers The Avengers
(mentioned, pg. 9, panel 4) 
hero group
  [1st app: The Avengers (vol. 1) #1 (Sep. 1963)] Marvel 100
The United Nations The United Nations
(mentioned, pg. 9, panel 2) 
supporting character group real/historical person
  [1st app: Captain Marvel Adventures #78 (Nov. 1947)] Fawcett 118
Fairies Fairies
(mentioned, pg. 1) 
supporting character group
CBR Scale: D Faerie
[hidden race] Marvel 6
politicians politicians
(mentioned, pg. 1) 
supporting character group real/historical person
  [occupation] Marvel 1
Starcore Starcore
(mentioned, pg. 9) 
supporting character group
  [1st app: The Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #148 (Feb. 1972)] Marvel 1
Dejah Thoris Dejah Thoris
(mentioned, pg. 9-10) 
supporting character
  Martian A. C. McClurg 179
Saint Patrick Saint Patrick (Patrick)
(mentioned, pg. 1) 
supporting character clergy/religious leader real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Christian missionary/bishop

This comic was reprinted from: X-Men (vol. 1) #98 (Apr. 1976): "Merry Christmas, X-Men...".