
Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #3 (Apr. 2007):
“The Next Age, Chapter 3”
by Geoff Johns, Dale Eaglesham, Ruy Jose

Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #3

Title: “The Next Age, Chapter 3”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Apr. 2007

Publisher: DC
Written by: Geoff Johns
Art by: Dale Eaglesham, Ruy Jose

35 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Hawkman Hawkman (Carter Hall / Katar Hol) hero
CBR Scale: M Egyptian classical religion; Thanagarian religion
All-Star Squadron; Super Friends...  DC 1,270
The Flash The Flash (Jay Garrick) hero
CBR Scale: S Christian (denomination
The Justice Society of America DC 687
Power Girl Power Girl (Kara Zor-L) hero
CBR Scale: I Kryptonian religion
Birds of Prey; Infinity, Inc....  DC 576
Green Lantern Green Lantern (Alan Scott) hero
CBR Scale: S Christian (denomination
All-Star Squadron; Checkmate... 
[Position in Checkmate: White King]
DC 768
Wildcat Wildcat (Ted Grant) hero
  All-Star Squadron; The Justice Society of America DC 423
Wildcat Wildcat (Tommy Bronson) hero
  The Justice Society of America DC 75
Mr. Terrific Mr. Terrific (Michael Holt) hero
CBR Scale: M Atheist
black; Checkmate... 
[Position in Checkmate: White King's Bishop; White King]
DC 289
Doctor Mid-Nite Doctor Mid-Nite (Pieter Cross) hero
CBR Scale: M Catholic
The Justice Society of America DC 459
Hourman Hourman (Rick Tyler) hero
  Infinity, Inc.; The Justice Society of America DC 45
Libby Lawrence hero
  All-Star Squadron DC 142
Liberty Belle Liberty Belle (Jesse Chambers) hero
  Conglomerate; The Justice Society of America...  DC 193
Damage Damage (Grant Emerson) hero
  Freedom Fighters; The Justice Society of America...  DC 148
Stargirl Stargirl (Courtney Whitmore) hero
  The Justice Society of America; The Suicide Squad...  DC 272
Cyclone Cyclone (Maxine Hunkel) hero
  The Justice Society of America DC 59
Sandman Sandman (Sandy Hawkins) hero
  All-Star Squadron; The Justice Society of America...  DC 258
Nathan Heywood hero
  The Justice Society of America DC 36
Stripesy S.T.R.I.P.E. (Pat Dugan) hero
  All-Star Squadron; Seven Soldiers of Victory...  DC 143
Vandal Savage Vandal Savage (Vandar Adg) villain
  The Legion of Doom (leader) DC 187
Starman Starman (Thom Kallor) hero
  Legion of Substitute Heroes; The Justice Society of America...  DC 343
Captain Nazi Captain Nazi (Albrecht Krieger) villain
CBR Scale: D Nazi
Fourth Reich Fawcett 22
Mike Dugan Mike Dugan supporting character
  [son of Pat Dugan (Stripesy)] DC 20
Baroness Blitzkrieg villain
CBR Scale: D Nazi
Fourth Reich DC 3
Reichsmark villain
CBR Scale: D Nazi
Fourth Reich DC 3
Swastika villain
CBR Scale: D Nazi
Fourth Reich DC 3
White Dragon (William Heller) villain
CBR Scale: D Aryan Nations/White
Fourth Reich; The Suicide Squad DC 16
Kirk Heywood supporting character
  [Commander Steel's grandson; Citizen Steel's cousin] DC 3
Mrs. Heywood supporting character
  [mother of Nathan Heywood (Citizen Steel)] DC 2
Minute-Man Minute-Man (Jack Weston)
  [1st app: Master Comics #11 (Feb. 1941)] Fawcett DC 5
Mister America (Trey Thompson)
[successor to WWII-era Mr. America (Tex Thompson)]
DC 3
General Glory (Donovan Wallace)
  Justice League International DC 3
Steel Steel (Hank Heywood III)
  The Justice League DC 55
The Icicle The Icicle (Dr. Joar Mahkent)
  Cold Warriors; Crime Champions...  DC 40
Icicle Icicle (Cameron Mahkent)
CBR Scale: I manifestly non-religious
Injustice League; Injustice Unlimited...  DC 43
Yellow Wasp
  [Killer Wasp's father] DC 3
Jake Grant Jake Grant
supporting character
  [deceased son of Wildcat (Ted Grant)] DC 2