
Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #22 (Feb. 2009):
“One World, Under Gog, Part VII: Thy Will Be Done”
by Geoff Johns, Alex Ross, Dale Eaglesham, Jerry Ordway, etc.

Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #22

Title: “One World, Under Gog, Part VII: Thy Will Be Done”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Feb. 2009

Publisher: DC
Written by: Geoff Johns, Alex Ross
Art by: Dale Eaglesham, Jerry Ordway, Nathan Massengill

63 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Superman Superman (Earth-22/Kingdom Come) (Clark Kent) hero
CBR Scale: S Methodist / Kryptonian religion
Kryptonians; Super Friends...  DC 13,409
Batman Batman (Bruce Wayne) hero
CBR Scale: ICBR Scale: S Episcopalian / Catholic (lapsed); atheist
Batman family; Quinntets...  DC 11,112
Wonder Woman Wonder Woman (Diana) hero
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
Amazon; Super Friends...  DC 4,659
Hawkman Hawkman (Carter Hall / Katar Hol) hero
CBR Scale: M Egyptian classical religion; Thanagarian religion
All-Star Squadron; Super Friends...  DC 1,270
The Flash The Flash (Jay Garrick) hero
CBR Scale: S Christian (denomination
The Justice Society of America DC 687
Power Girl Power Girl (Kara Zor-L) hero
CBR Scale: I Kryptonian religion
Birds of Prey; Infinity, Inc....  DC 576
Flash Flash (Wally West) hero
CBR Scale: I Protestant; Speed Force
Justice League Elite; The Justice League...  DC 915
Green Lantern Green Lantern (Alan Scott) hero
CBR Scale: S Christian (denomination
All-Star Squadron; Checkmate... 
[Position in Checkmate: White King]
DC 768
Wildcat Wildcat (Ted Grant) hero
  All-Star Squadron; The Justice Society of America DC 423
Wildcat Wildcat (Tommy Bronson) hero
  The Justice Society of America DC 75
Mr. Terrific Mr. Terrific (Michael Holt) hero
CBR Scale: M Atheist
black; Checkmate... 
[Position in Checkmate: White King's Bishop; White King]
DC 289
Doctor Mid-Nite Doctor Mid-Nite (Pieter Cross) hero
CBR Scale: M Catholic
The Justice Society of America DC 459
Liberty Belle Liberty Belle (Jesse Chambers) hero
  Conglomerate; The Justice Society of America...  DC 193
Damage Damage (Grant Emerson) hero
  Freedom Fighters; The Justice Society of America...  DC 148
Stargirl Stargirl (Courtney Whitmore) hero
  The Justice Society of America; The Suicide Squad...  DC 272
Cyclone Cyclone (Maxine Hunkel) hero
  The Justice Society of America DC 59
Jakeem Thunder Jakeem Thunder (Jakeem Johnny Williams) hero
CBR Scale: S Catholic
black; The Justice Society of America...  DC 83
Thunderbolt Thunderbolt (Yz) hero
CBR Scale: D mystical entity
The Justice Society of America
[fifth-dimensional imp]
DC 160
Lightning Lightning (Jennifer Pierce) hero
CBR Scale: I Northern Baptist (ABC/USA)
black; The Justice Society of America DC 46
Sandman Sandman (Sandy Hawkins) hero
  All-Star Squadron; The Justice Society of America...  DC 258
Magog Magog (David Reid) villain hero
CBR Scale: M resurrected; religious
The Justice Society of America; United States Marine Corps DC 34
Citizen Steel Citizen Steel (Nathan Heywood) hero
  The Justice Society of America DC 36
Amazing Man Amazing Man (Markus Clay) hero
  black; The Justice Society of America
[grandson of original Amazing Man]
DC 25
Obsidian Obsidian (Todd Rice) hero
CBR Scale: S Catholic; LGBT
Infinity, Inc.; The Justice League...  DC 176
Starman Starman (Thom Kallor) hero
  Legion of Substitute Heroes; The Justice Society of America...  DC 343
Gog Gog (William Matthews) villain clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Catholic priest/missionary; zealot follower of Gog
[former priest or missionary; took name of new god] DC 14
Rev. Norman McCay Rev. Norman McCay supporting character clergy/religious leader based on a real person
CBR Scale: M Dutch Reformed
[1st app: Kingdom Come #1 (May 1996)] DC 8
Nightwing Dick Grayson
CBR Scale: I Christian (denomination unknown); raised Gypsy/Roma
Batman family; Super Friends...  DC 4,498
Supergirl Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)
CBR Scale: I Kryptonian religion
Kryptonians; The Legion of Super-Heroes...  DC 1,041
Robin Ibn al Xu'ffasch (Damian Wayne)
supporting character
CBR Scale: U tabula rasa
Batman family; The League of Assassins
[son of Batman and Talia al Ghul]
DC 28
Jade Jade (Jennie-Lynn Hayden)
CBR Scale: S Protestant
Blood Pack; Infinity, Inc....  DC 267
Plastic Man Plastic Man (Eel O'Brian)
CBR Scale: I Christian (denomination
All-Star Squadron; Freedom Fighters...  Quality 636
Elongated Man Elongated Man (Ralph Dibny)
CBR Scale: S ghost
Croatoans; The Doom Patrol...  DC 522
Deadman Deadman (Boston Brand)
CBR Scale: S Hindu
Sentinels of Magic DC 258
Demon Demon (Jason Blood / Etrigan)
CBR Scale: S religious
The Justice League DC 342
Cosmic Boy Cosmic Boy (Rokk Krinn)
  The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 541
Lightning Lad Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz)
CBR Scale: S Winath nature religion
Legion Rescue Squad; The Legion of Super-Heroes...  DC 536
Saturn Girl Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen)
CBR Scale: I Catholic or Anglican
The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 616
Phantom Girl Phantom Girl (Tinya Wazzo)
  L.E.G.I.O.N.; The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 415
Chameleon Boy Chameleon Boy (Reep Daggle)
hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: S Durlan religion (priest)
The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 492
Brainiac 5 Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox)
  The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 610
Sun Boy Sun Boy (Dirk Morgna)
  Elements of Disaster; The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 368
Shrinking Violet Shrinking Violet (Salu Digby)
  The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 363
Bouncing Boy Bouncing Boy (Chuck Taine)
  The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 254
Ultra Boy Ultra Boy (Jo Nah)
CBR Scale: U Jewish?
The Legion of Super-Heroes; Workforce DC 426
Mon-El Mon-El (Lar Gand)
  L.E.G.I.O.N.; The Legion of Super-Heroes...  DC 446
Matter-Eater Lad Matter-Eater Lad (Tenzil Kem)
  The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 139
Element Lad Element Lad (Jan Arrah)
CBR Scale: M Trom religion/Krilli acolyte
(devout, spiritual seeker)
Legionnaires; The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 335
Lightning Lass Lightning Lass (Ayla Ranzz)
CBR Scale: S Winath nature religion
The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 85
Dream Girl Dream Girl (Nura Nal)
  Legion of Substitute Heroes; The Legion of Super-Heroes...  DC 243
Ferro Lad Ferro Lad (Andrew Nolan)
  The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 87
Karate Kid Karate Kid (Val Armorr)
  The Legion of Super-Heroes; Workforce DC 264
Shadow Lass Shadow Lass (Tasmia Mallor)
CBR Scale: S Talokian ancestor worship
The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 319
Timber Wolf Timber Wolf (Brin Londo)
  The Legion of Super-Heroes DC 197
Mister Miracle Mister Miracle (Scott Free)
hero based on a real person
CBR Scale: S Apokolipsian Darkseid worship
The Justice League; The New Gods DC 305
Big Barda Big Barda (Barda Free)
hero based on a real person
CBR Scale: S Apokolipsian Darkseid worship
Birds of Prey; The Female Furies...  DC 255
Krypto Krypto
CBR Scale: I N.A.
dog; Legion of Super-Pets DC 220
XS XS (Jenni Ognats)
  The Legion of Super-Heroes; Uncanny Amazers DC 81
Ace the Bat-Hound Ace the Bat-Hound (Ace)
CBR Scale: I N.A.
Batman family; dog
DC 51
Doctor Fate
supporting character deity
CBR Scale: D Lord of Order
The Lords of Order DC 43
Nightstar (Mar'i Grayson)
villain hero
  The Outsiders; The Teen Titans
[daughter of Dick Grayson, Starfire; in Batman's group]
DC 2
  [rogue metahuman] DC 2
Catspaw (April Dumaka)
  black; The Legion of Super-Heroes
[depicted in Glorithverse]
DC 14