
Shadow Cabinet #7 (Dec. 1994):
“Shoot the Moon”
by Matt Wayne, John Paul Leon, Shawn Martinbrough

Shadow Cabinet #7

Title: “Shoot the Moon”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Dec. 1994

Publisher: DC Milestone Media
Written by: Matt Wayne
Art by: John Paul Leon, Shawn Martinbrough

17 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Dharma Dharma (Harry Chawney) villain hero
CBR Scale: M prophet
The Shadow Cabinet (leader) DC Milestone Media 32
Hardware Hardware (Curtis Metcalf) hero
  black; The Shadow Cabinet DC Milestone Media 97
Edwin Alva Edwin Alva villain scientist
CBR Scale: M obsessed with power
System DC Milestone Media 39
Plus Plus (Bina and Apurna Chawney) hero
  Asian; The Shadow Cabinet DC Milestone Media 15
Donner Donner (Gerri Brauer) hero
  Heroes; The Shadow Cabinet DC Milestone Media 35
Sideshow Sideshow (Ramon Rand) hero
  The Shadow Cabinet DC Milestone Media 16
Starlight Starlight (Stella Maxwell) hero
  Heroes; The Shadow Cabinet DC Milestone Media 23
Blitzen Blitzen (Valerie Kameya) hero
  Heroes; The Shadow Cabinet DC Milestone Media 36
Iron Butterfly Iron Butterfly (Kahina Eskandari) hero
  The Shadow Cabinet DC Milestone Media 28
Iota Iota (Isadora Wellington-Smythe) hero
  Heroes; The Shadow Cabinet DC Milestone Media 27
Alva Technologies Alva Technologies villain group
  [corrupt company run by Hardware arch-foe Edwin Alva] DC Milestone Media 25
Mom Mom villain
  System DC Milestone Media 7
System System villain group
  [international conspiracy; controls most of civilized world] DC Milestone Media 25
The Shadow Cabinet The Shadow Cabinet hero group
  [1st app: Hardware #11 (Jan. 1994)] DC Milestone Media 33
Narnie Narnie (Apurna Chawney) hero
  Asian; The Shadow Cabinet DC Milestone Media 2
Captain Ray supporting character villain scientist
CBR Scale: M separatist
[led Union of Separatist Scientists; held Plus captive] DC Milestone Media 3
The Union of Separatist Scientists villain group scientist
CBR Scale: D separatist
[scientist] DC Milestone Media 4

Summary (from

The team fights to survive in Antarctica. We see that Plus is made up of two different entities. Dharma offers to lead the various S.Y.S.T.E.M. cells. Plus seduces Captain Ray, leader of the Union of Separatist Scientists. The team escapes Antarctica. Captain Ray and Plus have a confrontation. Dharma accepts leadership of S.Y.S.T.E.M. and Hardware introduces Stella to Dharma.