
Emma Frost: Higher Learning (Aug. 2004):
“Higher Learning, Part 5 of 6”
by Karl Bollers, Randy Green, Rick Ketcham

Emma Frost: Higher Learning

Title: “Higher Learning, Part 5 of 6”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Aug. 2004

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Karl Bollers
Art by: Randy Green, Rick Ketcham

16 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
White Queen Emma Frost
(lead character)
villain hero
CBR Scale: U Episcopalian (nominal); mutant supremacist
Academy of Tomorrow; Dark X-Men...  Marvel 3,409
Adrienne Frost Adrienne Frost supporting character
CBR Scale: U Episcopalian (nominal)
The Hellfire Club
[Emma Frost's sister]
Marvel 33
Christian Frost Christian Frost supporting character
CBR Scale: U Episcopalian (nominal); LGBT
[Emma Frost's brother] Marvel 7
Cordelia Frost Cordelia Frost supporting character
CBR Scale: U Episcopalian (nominal)
[Emma Frost's sister] Marvel 18
Hazel Frost Hazel Frost supporting character
CBR Scale: U Episcopalian (nominal)
[Emma Frost's mother] Marvel 10
Winston Frost Winston Frost supporting character
CBR Scale: U Episcopalian (nominal)
[Emma Frost's father] Marvel 10
Dante Ortega Dante Ortega supporting character
[boyfriend of Emma Frost's brother Christian]
Marvel 2
Dr. Upjohn supporting character
  [treated Emma Frost's mother] Marvel 1
Violet supporting character
  [house maid for young Emma Frost's family] Marvel 1
Kelly supporting character
  [little girl Emma Frost met when looking for Ian Kendall] Marvel 1
Frost Technologies supporting character group
  [company Emma Frost's father owned and ran] Marvel 2
supporting character
  [woman Emma Frost caught her father having affair with] Marvel 2
supporting character
  [blocked Emma Frost from going into night club, until...] Marvel 1
Machiavelli Machiavelli
villain real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Machiavellian
[1st app: Monna Vanna (1922)] Evil Twin Comics 36
Dante Alighieri Dante Alighieri
supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Catholic
[wrote classics La Divina Commedia, Inferno] Marvel DC, etc. 19
Ian Kendall Ian Kendall
supporting character
  [Emma Frost's first love (HS teacher she had crush on)] Marvel 19

This comic was reprinted from: Emma Frost #5 (Dec. 2003): "Higher Learning, Part 5 of 6".