
Contest of Champions II #3 (Oct. 1999):
“Culling the Hero”
by Chris Claremont, Oscar Jimenez, Eduardo Alpuente

Contest of Champions II #3

Title: “Culling the Hero”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Oct. 1999

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Chris Claremont
Art by: Oscar Jimenez, Eduardo Alpuente

49 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Iron Man Iron Man (Tony Stark) hero
CBR Scale: I futurist; technophile; mostly secular; sometimes prays; Alcoholics Anonymous
Force Works; Illuminati...  Marvel 5,673
Thor Thor (Donald Blake) hero deity
CBR Scale: D Norse/Teutonic deity
Asgardian; Cosmic Avengers...  Marvel 4,362
Storm Storm (Ororo Munroe) hero
CBR Scale: M Goddess worship
black; Lady Liberators...  Marvel 5,068
Scarlet Witch Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) hero
CBR Scale: M Gypsy/Roma; ethnic half Jewish; sorceress
A-Next; Brotherhood of Mutants...  Marvel 1,624
Captain Marvel Warbird (Carol Danvers) hero
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Operation: Lightning Storm (leader); Starjammers...  Marvel 784
Cable Cable (Nathan Christopher Summers) hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Askani (leader)
Cable's Underground (leader); Clan Chosen...  Marvel 666
Psylocke Psylocke (Betsy Braddock) hero
CBR Scale: I Anglican
Asian; Excalibur...  Marvel UK Marvel 772
Namorita Namorita (Nita Prentiss) hero
CBR Scale: S Atlantean Greco-Roman
classical religion
Atlantean; Secret Defenders...  Marvel 305
Speedball Speedball (Robbie Baldwin) hero
CBR Scale: I Presbyterian
League of Losers; The New Warriors...  Marvel 359
Nova Nova (Richard Rider) hero
  Nova Corps; Secret Defenders... 
[attended Harry S. Truman High]
Marvel 427
Turbo Turbo (Mickey Musashi) hero
  Asian; Loners...  Marvel 92
Aegis Aegis (Trey Rollins) hero
CBR Scale: M Greco-Roman classical religion
black; The New Warriors Marvel 24
Maverick Bolt (Chris Bradley) hero
  Cable's Underground; Gene Nation...  Marvel 21
Prodigy Prodigy (Ritchie Gilmore) hero
  Initiative: Heavy Hitters; Slingers Marvel 51
Ricochet Ricochet (Johnny Gallo) hero
  Loners; Slingers Marvel 22
Dusk Dusk (Cassie St. Commons) hero
  Slingers Marvel 20
Hornet Hornet (Eddie McDonough) hero
  Slingers Marvel 22
Spider-Woman Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin) hero
  Loners Marvel 48
The Brood The Brood villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien race] Marvel 90
Brood Queen Brood Queen villain
CBR Scale: I alien
Brood Marvel 10
The Badoon The Badoon supporting character villain group
CBR Scale: M Badoon religion
[alien race] Marvel 55
Lockdown (Jomo Kimanye) villain
CBR Scale: I alien
[1st app: Fantastic Four (vol. 3) #17 (May 1999)] Marvel 6
Rosetta Stone (Nefer Neith Sinue) villain
CBR Scale: I alien
[1st app: Fantastic Four (vol. 3) #17 (May 1999)] Marvel 5
Brother Royal Brother Royal villain
CBR Scale: M Brotherhood of the Badoon
[ruler over Badoon race]
Marvel 9
Announcer villain
  [part of the "Coterie" in Contest of Champions II] Marvel 5
Spider-Man Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Protestant
Secret Defenders; Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends...  Marvel 10,664
Daredevil Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
CBR Scale: M Catholic
Marvel Knights; Weapon X (Exiles) Marvel 1,801
Invisible Woman Invisible Woman (Susan Storm Richards)
CBR Scale: S Episcopalian
Lady Liberators; The Avengers...  Marvel 4,069
The Beast The Beast (Hank McCoy)
hero scientist
CBR Scale: ICBR Scale: S Episcopalian; agnostic
Academy of Tomorrow; Brotherhood of Mutants...  Marvel 5,233
Phoenix Phoenix (Jean Grey)
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Metro College; The Twelve...  Marvel 1,905
Wolverine Wolverine (James Howlett / Logan)
CBR Scale: S raised Protestant; sometimes atheist; has practiced Buddhism; skeptical seeker
Alpha Flight; Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy...  Marvel 10,615
Colossus Colossus (Peter Rasputin)
CBR Scale: I Communist atheist (former)
Excalibur; The Acolytes...  Marvel 4,122
Quicksilver Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff)
villain hero
CBR Scale: I Gypsy/Roma; ethnic half Jewish; sometimes mutant supremacist
Brotherhood of Mutants; The Avengers...  Marvel 944
Cannonball Cannonball (Sam Guthrie)
CBR Scale: S Baptist
Academy of Tomorrow; The Avengers...  Marvel 831
The Wasp The Wasp (Janet van Dyne)
CBR Scale: U Dutch Reformed (nominal); atheist
Lady Liberators; The Avengers...  Marvel 1,339
Hawkeye Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
CBR Scale: U Christian (denomination
Chain Gang; The Avengers...  Marvel 1,515
Black Panther Black Panther (T'Challa)
hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M African primal-indigenous
religion; Black Panther Cult
black; Fantastic Force...  Marvel 786
Wonder Man Wonder Man (Simon Williams)
CBR Scale: I religious
Force Works; Galactic Guardians...  Marvel 788
Black Widow Black Widow (Natasha Romanova)
CBR Scale: I Russian Orthodox Communist (lapsed)
Lady Liberators; Marvel Knights...  Marvel 1,789
Luke Cage Luke Cage
CBR Scale: I Christian (denomination
black; Heroes for Hire... 
[formerly owned a bar and theater]
Marvel 951
Iron Fist Iron Fist (Danny Rand)
CBR Scale: M Tibetan (K'un L'un) Buddhism
Heroes for Hire; Secret Defenders...  Marvel 672
Gambit Gambit (Remy LeBeau)
CBR Scale: S Cajun Catholic
Horsemen of Apocalypse; The Marauders...  Marvel 954
Hercules Hercules
hero deity
CBR Scale: D Greco-Roman classical religion
Heroes for Hire; Olympian...  DC Marvel 1,029
Firestar Firestar (Angelica Jones)
CBR Scale: I Catholic
Hellions; Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends...  NBC Marvel 338
Justice Justice (Vance Astrovik)
CBR Scale: S Jewish (half)
Counter Force; Initiative: Camp Hammond (staff)...  Marvel 291
Domino Domino (Neena Thurman)
CBR Scale: S Armajesuits (born into); Catholic (raised)
Cable's Underground; Six Pack... 
[Domino's mother leads the Armajesuits sect]
Marvel 314
Deadpool Deadpool (Wade Wilson)
villain hero
CBR Scale: I Catholic (lapsed); One World
Church (lapsed)
Code Red; Heroes for Hire...  Marvel 1,256
The Imperiatrix The Imperiatrix
(someone disguised or dressed as)
CBR Scale: I alien
Brood Marvel 15
3-D Man 3-D Man (Chuck and Hal Chandler)
(behind the scenes)
  1950s Avengers Marvel 19