
Season 1, Episode 3 (7 Oct. 2013): “Power of Persuasion”
by Rick Eid, Jeffrey Nachmanoff, Henry Bronchtein

Hostages - Season 1, Episode 3

Title: “Power of Persuasion”

Medium: television series episode

Original airdate: 7 Oct. 2013

Publisher: CBS
Written by: Rick Eid, Jeffrey Nachmanoff
Directed by: Henry Bronchtein

52 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Dr. Ellen Sanders Dr. Ellen Sanders
(lead character)
lead character
  [her family held hostage, she's told to kill President] CBS 15
Duncan Carlisle Duncan Carlisle villain lead character
[rogue FBI agent; plots to kill U.S. President using doctor]
CBS 15
henchmen henchmen
villain group real/historical person
  [generic, unnamed henchmen] Marvel DC 1,150
nurses nurses supporting character group real/historical person
  [occupation] Malibu 1
Secret Service Secret Service supporting character group real/historical person
  [defends U.S. President, among other duties] Malibu Marvel, etc. 42
Paul Kincaid Paul Kincaid supporting character
  [intended target of Carlisle's surgery assassination plan] CBS 3
Brian Sanders Brian Sanders supporting character
  [hostage husband of President's doctor] CBS 3
Morgan Sanders Morgan Sanders supporting character
  Whelan High School
[hostage daughter of surgeon pressured to kill President]
Jake Sanders Jake Sanders supporting character
  Whelan High School
[hostage son of surgeon pressured to kill President]
Sandrine Renault Sandrine Renault villain
  Hispanic; U.S. Army
[one of kidnapping crew in Presidential assassination plot]
Archer Petit Archer Petit villain
  black; U.S. Army
[part of hostage-taking team in President assassination plot]
Kramer Delaney Kramer Delaney villain
  [part of team holding doctor Sanders' family hostage] CBS 3
Burton Delaney Burton Delaney supporting character
  [father-in-law of hostage-taker Duncan Carlisle] CBS 3
Samantha Samantha
supporting character
  [having an affair with her boss, Brian Sanders] CBS 2
Sawyer Carlisle Sawyer Carlisle supporting character
  Holly Oak Elementary School
[young daughter of hostage taker Duncan Carlisle]
Mary Kincaid Mary Kincaid supporting character
  [First Lady of president targeted for assassination] CBS 2
Quentin Creasy Quentin Creasy villain
  [co-conspirator in plot to assassinate U.S. President] CBS 3
Boyd Norton Boyd Norton supporting character
  Whelan High School
[Morgan Sanders' boyfriend; father of her unborn child]
Nico Nico villain
  [drug dealer connection of Dr. Ellen Sanders' son Jake] CBS 1
unnamed aide unnamed aide supporting character
[advised U.S. President to switch to change doctors]
Stan Hoffman Stan Hoffman supporting character
  black; Secret Service
[investigated Dr. Sanders' hospital blood thinner incident]
Maryland College Hospital Maryland College Hospital supporting character group
  [hospital] CBS 3
unnamed assistant supporting character
  [assistant; secretary] CBS 1
Tom Tom supporting character
  South Asian
[Quentin Creasy leaked story to him to pressure President]
Dr. Jim Miller Dr. Jim Miller supporting character
  [Dr. Sanders eludes Duncan's crew by using Dr. Miller's car] CBS 1
unnamed male colleague unnamed male colleague supporting character
  [real estate agent] CBS 2
Zirlin Group Realty Zirlin Group Realty supporting character group
  [company owned, run by Dr. Sanders' husband Brian] CBS 3
Holly Oak Elementary School Holly Oak Elementary School supporting character group
  [school Duncan Carlisle's daughter Sawyer attends] CBS 1
Samantha Samantha supporting character
  [helped Dr. Sanders find Sawyer Carlisle's class] CBS 1
Whelan High School Whelan High School
supporting character group
  [school Jake and Morgan Sanders attend] CBS 3
unnamed PTA mom unnamed PTA mom
supporting character
  [volunteer] CBS 1
unnamed sniper unnamed sniper
supporting character
  [tried to kill Duncan Carlisle] CBS 1
Mrs. Creasy Mrs. Creasy
supporting character
  [1st app: Hostages - Season 1, Episode 3 (7 Oct. 2013)] CBS 1
unnamed man in parking lot unnamed man in parking lot
supporting character
  [1st app: Hostages - Season 1, Episode 3 (7 Oct. 2013)] CBS 1
? Creasy ? Creasy
supporting character
  [toddler son of Chief of Staff Quentin Creasy] CBS 1
Miss Jones Miss Jones
supporting character
  [Sawyer Carlisle's homeroom teacher] CBS 1
unnamed student unnamed student
supporting character
  Whelan High School
[told Brian Sanders his son Jake got beat up]
unnamed teacher
(listed in 2nd party cast list but not in on-screen
credits; not noticed in film/episode)
supporting character
[taught at school Duncan Carlisle's daughter Sawyer went to]
unnamed press secretary
(listed in 2nd party cast list but not in on-screen
credits; not noticed in film/episode)
supporting character
  black CBS 1
James A. Garfield James A. Garfield
(seen in picture and mentioned in dialogue) 
supporting character clergy/religious leader real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Disciples of Christ
[general; U.S. President] Republic Pictures 7
mystery bosses mystery bosses
(talked to, but not seen or
villain group
  [leaders of conspiracy to assassinate U.S. President] CBS 1
unnamed experimental doctor unnamed experimental doctor
(behind the scenes) 
supporting character
  [does experimental therapies; may be able to cure Nina] CBS 1
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Baptist (raised)
[U.S. President] DC 355
miscellaneous aliens miscellaneous aliens
supporting character group
CBR Scale: D alien
[generic listing for miscellaneous aliens] Marvel 100
FBI FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
supporting character group real/historical person
  [government agency] DC 250
terrorists terrorists
villain group real/historical person
CBR Scale: D terrorists
[generic listing for unnamed terrorist groups] Marvel 100
Nina Carlisle Nina Carlisle
supporting character
  [very sick wife of hostage-taker Duncan Carlisle] CBS 3
Angela Nix Angela Nix
supporting character
[got blamed for giving President blood thinner]
villain group real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Communist
[terrorist; military unit] Marvel 2
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
supporting character group real/historical person
  [hospital] CBS 1
Marsley Marsley
supporting character
  [person with funniest name Dr. Sanders knows] CBS 1
Robert Todd Lincoln Robert Todd Lincoln
supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: U Presbyterian
[President Lincoln's eldest son] RKO Radio Pictures 19