
The Exterminators #1 (Mar. 2006):
“Bug Brothers (Part I of V)”
by Simon Oliver, Tony Moore

The Exterminators #1

Title: “Bug Brothers (Part I of V)”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Mar. 2006

Publisher: DC Vertigo
Written by: Simon Oliver
Art by: Tony Moore

12 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Henry James Henry James
(lead character)
  Bug Brothers DC Vertigo 35
A.J. A.J. villain
CBR Scale: M Egyptian classical religion;
worships insects
Bug Brothers
[pharaoh resurrected in modern times as dead exterminator]
DC Vertigo 16
Kevin Kevin supporting character
  Bug Brothers DC Vertigo 10
Danielo Perez Danielo Perez supporting character
  [son of Bug-Bee-Gone accountant] DC Vertigo 6
Gloria Perez Gloria Perez supporting character
  Bug Brothers (ally); Hispanic
[Danielo's mother]
DC Vertigo 16
Glyn Peterson Glyn Peterson supporting character
  [mother of Henry James] DC Vertigo 8
Nils Peterson Nils Peterson supporting character
  Bug Brothers
[Henry James' step-father]
DC Vertigo 24
Stretch Stretch hero
CBR Scale: M Buddhist
black; Bug Brothers
[Texan cowboy]
DC Vertigo 31
Dr. Saloth Sar supporting character scientist
  [Bug-Bee-Gone head scientist; analyzed bug poison Draxx] DC Vertigo 22
Sophie supporting character
  [1st app: The Exterminators #1 (Mar. 2006)] DC Vertigo 1
Bug Brothers supporting character hero group
  [insect exterminators working for Bug-Bee-Gone] DC Vertigo 30
Bug-Bee-Gone Bug-Bee-Gone supporting character group
  [company; exterminator] DC Vertigo 30