
The Exterminators #13 (Mar. 2007):
“Lies of Our Fathers: Chapter One”
by Simon Oliver, Tony Moore, Ande J. Parks

The Exterminators #13

Title: “Lies of Our Fathers: Chapter One”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Mar. 2007

Publisher: DC Vertigo
Written by: Simon Oliver
Art by: Tony Moore, Ande J. Parks

11 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Henry James Henry James
(lead character)
  Bug Brothers DC Vertigo 35
A.J. C.J. (A.J.) villain
CBR Scale: M Egyptian classical religion;
worships insects
Bug Brothers
[pharaoh resurrected in modern times as dead exterminator]
DC Vertigo 16
Glyn Peterson Glyn Peterson supporting character
  [mother of Henry James] DC Vertigo 8
Nils Peterson Nils Peterson supporting character
  Bug Brothers
[Henry James' step-father]
DC Vertigo 24
Stretch Stretch hero
CBR Scale: M Buddhist
black; Bug Brothers
[Texan cowboy]
DC Vertigo 31
Detective Hunter Detective Hunter supporting character
[assigned to investigate deaths around Bug-Bee-Gone]
DC Vertigo 11
Professor Wolfe Professor Wolfe supporting character scientist
  [helped Henry James, Page investigate mysterious box] DC Vertigo 7
Cleo Crone Cleo Crone villain
CBR Scale: M white supremacist
[ultimate dual monster] DC Vertigo 7
Stefan Peterson supporting character
  [Nils Peterson's estranged son] DC Vertigo 3
Stevie Crone supporting character
  [1st app: The Exterminators #13 (Mar. 2007)] DC Vertigo 2
Kelly Bartlett supporting character
  black DC Vertigo 1