
X-Men Forever (vol. 2) #Alpha (July 2009):
“Things to Come”
by Jim Lee, Scott Williams

X-Men Forever (vol. 2) #Alpha

Title: “Things to Come”

Medium: comic

Cover date: July 2009

Publisher: Marvel
Art by: Jim Lee, Scott Williams

Number of Pages: 2

8 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Dazzler Dazzler (Alison Blaire) hero
CBR Scale: M singing
Academy of Tomorrow; Excalibur...  Marvel 447
Longshot Longshot hero
CBR Scale: S Mojoworld television worship
Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy; The Exiles...  Marvel 204
The Black Queen The Black Queen (Selene) villain clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: S Greco-Roman classical religion (nominal); Cult of Fire (high priestess); sorceress
Externals; The Inner Circle...  Marvel 67
Omega Red Omega Red (Arkady Rossovich) villain
CBR Scale: S Communist
KGB; Republican Guard...  Marvel 98
Ghost Rider Ghost Rider (Daniel Ketch) hero
CBR Scale: U Catholic
Midnight Sons Marvel 169
The Brood The Brood villain group
CBR Scale: I alien
[alien race] Marvel 90
Matsu'o Tsurayaba Matsu'o Tsurayaba villain clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Ninjutsu; Death Touch Cult
Asian; The Hand... 
[wrested control of Yakuza]
Marvel 35
Bella Donna Boudreaux Bella Donna Boudreaux supporting character
CBR Scale: S Vodoun
Assassins Guild (leader)
[Gambit's former wife]
Marvel 42

This comic was reprinted from: X-Men (vol. 2) #1 (Oct. 1991): "Things to Come".

This publication is also known as: X-Men Forever: Alpha #1; X-Men Forever #0 or X-Men Forever: Alpha #α. The actual issue "number" on the cover is "ALPHA."