
New Fun #1 (Feb. 1935):
“Hello Everybody: Here’s the New Magazine You’ve Been Waiting For”
by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, Richard Loederer

New Fun #1

Title: “Hello Everybody: Here’s the New Magazine You’ve Been Waiting For”

Medium: non-fiction article

Publication date: Feb. 1935

Publisher: DC
Written by: Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson
Art by: Richard Loederer

Number of Pages: 1

3 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Bubby Bubby
(2-panel cameo) 
lead character
CBR Scale: D elf
[featured in humor strip; always cheerful] DC 5
Pelion Pelion
(1-panel cameo) 
lead character
CBR Scale: D anthropomorphic animal
penguin DC 20
Ossa Ossa
(1-panel cameo) 
lead character
CBR Scale: D anthropomorphic animal
DC 20

This publication is also known as: New Fun: The Big Comic Magazine #1 or New Fun Comics #1.

This is an editorial piece welcoming readers to the very first issue of the very first comic book series (or comic magazine) launched by Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson's National Allied Publications (the company that would become DC Comics). This comic book is generally regarded as the first-ever comic book published by DC Comics.

Editorial/contents page for New Fun #1