
The Defenders (vol. 1) #92 (Feb. 1981):
by J. M. DeMatteis, Don Perlin, Pablo Marcos

The Defenders (vol. 1) #92

Title: “Eternity...Humanity...Oblivion!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Feb. 1981

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: J. M. DeMatteis
Art by: Don Perlin, Pablo Marcos

19 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
The Hulk The Hulk (Bruce Banner) hero scientist
CBR Scale: I Catholic (lapsed)
Hulkbusters; Pantheon...  Marvel 4,551
The Sub-Mariner The Sub-Mariner (Namor) hero
CBR Scale: S Atlantean Greco-Roman
classical religion
Atlantean; Dark X-Men...  Marvel 1,864
Doctor Strange Doctor Strange (Dr. Stephen Strange) hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D occult
Illuminati; Midnight Sons...  Marvel 1,687
Son of Satan Son of Satan (Daimon Hellstrom) hero clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: M Catholic (former priest)
Shadow Hunters; The Defenders...  Marvel 207
Valkyrie Valkyrie (Brunnhilde) hero
CBR Scale: D Norse/Teutonic paganism
The Defenders
[former Chooser of the Slain]
Marvel 325
Nighthawk Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond) hero
  Redeemers (Earth-712); Redeemers...  Marvel 361
Hellcat Hellcat (Patsy Walker) hero
  Lady Liberators; Legion of Unliving...  Marvel Timely 656
Eternity Eternity deity
CBR Scale: D cosmic entity
Seven Friendless Marvel 84
Sri Anand Sri Anand villain clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Hindu priest; Aspect of Eternity
Aspects of Eternity DC 1
Socrates Cavropolis Socrates Cavropolis villain
CBR Scale: D Greek Orthodox; Greco-Roman classical religion; aspect of Eternity
Aspects of Eternity Marvel 1
Ivan Ivan villain
CBR Scale: D Russian Orthodox; Russian paganism; aspect of Eternity
Aspects of Eternity Marvel 1
Lizzie Cavropolis Lizzie Cavropolis supporting character
  [former wife of Socrates Cavropolis (Aspect of Etenity)] Marvel 1
Glaucus construct Glaucus construct villain
CBR Scale: I N.A.
[creatd by Socrates Cavropolis (Aspect of Etenity)] Marvel 1
Harpy construct Harpy construct villain
CBR Scale: I N.A.
[creatd by Socrates Cavropolis (Aspect of Etenity)] Marvel 1
snow giant constructs snow giant constructs villain
CBR Scale: I N.A.
[creatd by Ivan (Aspect of Etenity)] Marvel 1
Hanuman construct Hanuman construct villain
CBR Scale: D Hindu
[mystical construct created by Aspect of Etenity Sri Ananda] Marvel 1
Silver Surfer Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd)
CBR Scale: S Zenn-La religion
Heralds of Galactus; Secret Defenders...  Marvel 826
CBR Scale: S occult
The Defenders
[disciple/former girlfriend of Doctor Strange]
Marvel 222
Hanuman Hanuman
(someone disguised or dressed as)
hero deity
CBR Scale: D Hindu monkey god
[1st app: Lanka Dahan (1917)] Percept Picture Company; Sahara One, etc. 19