
The Strangers #9 (Feb. 1994):
“Taken by this Guy”
by Steve Englehart, Rick Hoberg, Steve Skroce, Tim Eldred

The Strangers #9

Title: “Taken by this Guy”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Feb. 1994

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Steve Englehart
Art by: Rick Hoberg, Steve Skroce, Tim Eldred

Number of Pages: 22

7 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Centipede Centipede villain
CBR Scale: U manifestly non-religious
Raiders Marvel 2
Gecko villain
CBR Scale: U manifestly non-religious
Raiders Marvel 2
Jolly Roger villain
CBR Scale: U manifestly non-religious
Raiders Marvel 2
Sandblast villain
CBR Scale: U manifestly non-religious
Raiders Marvel 2
Sangre villain
CBR Scale: U manifestly non-religious
Raiders Marvel 2
Scar villain
CBR Scale: U manifestly non-religious
Raiders Marvel 2
Yardarm Yardarm villain
CBR Scale: U manifestly non-religious
Raiders Marvel 2