
I Due Kennedy (1969)
by Gianni Bisiach

I Due Kennedy

Medium: film

Publication date: 15 Nov. 1969

Publisher: Cineriz; Finarco
Written by: Gianni Bisiach
Directed by: Gianni Bisiach

12 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler villain real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Nazi
[1st app: Uma Kaeru (1935)] Shochiku Kinema 1,593
Fidel Castro Fidel Castro supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Communist; Orisha; Catholic (excommunicated)
[] DC 223
Nikita Khrushchev Nikita Khrushchev supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Communist
[] DC 142
Ted Kennedy Ted Kennedy real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Catholic
[U.S. Senator] Marvel 146
Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra real/historical person
CBR Scale: I Catholic
[actor; singer] DC Marvel 393
Lee Harvey Oswald Lee Harvey Oswald villain real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Lutheran (raised); Communist
United States Marine Corps
[shot Pres. John F. Kennedy?]
Marvel DC 84
Scarface Scarface (Al Capone) villain real/historical person
CBR Scale: I Catholic
Mafia DC Marvel 109
Lyndon B. Johnson Lyndon B. Johnson supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Disciples of Christ
[U.S. President] DC 211
Dwight D. Eisenhower Dwight D. Eisenhower supporting character real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Jehovah's Witnesses; Presbyterian (convert)
[general; U.S. President] Marvel 262
Bob Hope Bob Hope lead character real/historical person
CBR Scale: I Catholic (convert)
[actor; comedian...] Marvel 693
Benito Mussolini Benito Mussolini villain real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Catholic (raised); Nietzschean atheist; Italian fascist
[dictator] Unione Cinematografica Italiana 266
Sirhan Sirhan villain real/historical person
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: M Protestant (raised); anti-Israel; eclectic convert, incl. Baptist, Seventh-Day Adventist, Rosicrucian
[prisoner; stable boy] Cineriz; Finarco 22

This film is also known as: The Two Kennedys or Los dos Kennedy or Oi dyo Kennedy.